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Hi guys. I'm an Aussie getting my first grey (all going well with the parents) late this year. My name is down at one of the few breeders here so now it's just a case of waiting. Thank goodness I'm reasonably patient. I've been a fan of these guys for about 20years and only just now have the opportunity to buy one. They're not terribly common here, I've seen only one other pet grey since I met my first ones and that was at my avian vet this year. I'm owned by an assortment of other parrots too that I breed and handraise. I'm sure I'll be asking lotsa questions as the time gets closer and promise to play the doting mum and put up lots of cute pics as my bubby grows.;)

look forward to getting to know you guys.

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Guest Monique

Welcome to the forum! Do you have any idea of how long you will need to wait until they will have a grey for you? Are you getting a TAG or a CAG?

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Monique wrote:

Welcome to the forum! Do you have any idea of how long you will need to wait until they will have a grey for you? Are you getting a TAG or a CAG?


It's all up to the parent birds. At this stage they're showing all indications of going down at any time. Could be 6 months or so. That's fine, I've waited 20years for the opportunity, another 6 months or so isn't going tomake too much difference.;)

I'm getting a CAG. CAGs are most readily available here in Australia. I suspect I'd have to look over in another state for a TAG and this breeder has been recommended to me by another top breeder. I like the idea of being able to go and see my bub every few weeks while it's growing up.Even if it is a 4 hour round trip.

Thank you for the welcome everyone too.:)

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Hi Percysmum, and welcome here, we are glad to hear you want a grey, you won't regret it. You sound like a patient person, you would have to be to wait for 6 months or more for one to become available. Once I made the decision to get one I could hardly wait to get it home. Like you I visited mine as often as I could before I brought her home.

When you definetly have one be sure to get pictures as it grows and to show us here, we love the babies.

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I waited with my blue quaker breeding pair and my girl sun too. The boy sun was more a case of taking the girl to see her breeder him raving about how yellow she was (she has some "pied" in her) and talking me into getting a boy with the same colouring to go with her to breed. Needless to say my little princess is totally in love with her boyfriend now and only gives me lip service when it suits her.Brat.:P

MY point is (raving again) once I decide where I'm getting a bird from having chcked out the breeder I'm happy to wait for however long in order to get a really nice bird that has been raised well. It's also pretty normal to go on a waiting list for macaws, greys, caiques and quite a few others in Australia.

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I have a sun conure too, named Sunny, but I don't know the sex, I assume female which is why I refer to her. She was my first parrot and she is so sweet, she is sitting on my shoulder at this moment which is where she would stay most of the time. She can be a little clown too sometimes.

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