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Pregnant and depressed about my African Grey


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To some extent I have to disagree with you on this one Dave.

African Greys are intelligent creatures and you can teach them to go potty in their cage or on a paper towel, or where ever you want to train them to go.


Now I will not say that there will never be accidents, because to say always or never to something like this is setting your self up for failure. Even with humans you could not say never as humans have accidents too.

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"""Excellent post , Dave. But I'm curious, are you saying that a Grey cannot be trained to defecate solely in its cage ALL of the time? """


A bird can be trained to go on a stand ( or what ever a person uses. It can be trained to go in a cage but neither of these thing will constantly occur all day long if a bird is out of the cage. A bird may land on a piece of furniture and may have to go shortly afterward. It doesn't say "listen, excuse me for a minute,I need to take a dump over in my bathroom butdon't worry because I'll be right back."" A bird who may be in an area not near the place it takes a dump and that bird won't fly over, land on your shoulder and hound you to take it to his bathroom. Your shoulder is much easier to let go of one. That's the reason so many people wear chewed up, worn out clothing when their birds are on their shoulders. A bird who is potty trained but who is clipped cannot get to the batheroom in time to let one go. That's also why people put newspaper down around a cage because if the bird has to go, it won't walk back into the cage, go and come back out and roost again. It's simply shakes the tail and lets go of one.

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Parrots don't have accidents because they're wild. Domestic pets such as dogs can have accidents especially if they're trained to go outside. A dog will let you know it wants to go outside and if it's ignored that dog will get very annoying until it's taken out. There's a big difference between wild animals and domestic animals and it has nothing to do with setting one's self up for failure.

It's setting ones self up to know that a wild animal is being dealt with as opposed to a domestic animal.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/02/05 18:57

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I still have to disagree with this one. I have taught my bird to signal me when she needs to go to the bathroom. She is currently clipped (the breeder insisted on clipping her), but has gotten one of her flights back.


At least when she is out of her cage she consistently signals me when she needs to go. If I ignore her signal, she will go, but she has no choice as she is clipped. If she signals me and I start to move her or get a paper towel, she will wait until I say "go dookey" to go.

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My eclectus came to me "potty trained" and I didn't even realize it untill a month or so after we had him that he never pooped on me out of the cage or on any piece of furniture ever!!!:) I've had him about 7 months now and he goes to the "bathroom" in his cage or if he is on a perch but not once on me, my furniture or carpet. Its the greatest thing ever!  My other 3 will go when ever and where ever they please:angry: so I have to keep towels or old baby blankets down on furniture if they are out.


Also all the rehomed parrots I took in were settled in and comfortable in about a months time. I do hope you keep Mika but if it turns out you rehome him then please just make sure he is going to a loving home and that the people know how to properly care of a grey. I have seen soooo many people now that have parrots and think they are taking good care of them when they really aren't like keeping them in their cage 24/7, not giving them attention and feeding a bad diet. Treating them as a ornament or converstation piece instead of a living creature.


I hope it all works out for you. I'm glad you are going to give it more time.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/02/05 20:57

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>>I do hope you keep Mika but if it turns out you rehome him then please just make sure he is going to a loving home and that the people know how to properly care of a grey. >>


Good point. I just heard a story about a family who found an abandoned Grey. It sounded like a great rescue. The bird was near starving and they brought him back to health. Problem was that once he turned out to be "difficult," they sold him to the highest bidder, no questions asked.

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Hi I have every sympathy for you.I totally understand how you are finding things hard at the moment.We have another member on hear who is pregnant, it would be nice if you two could become friends and compare the ups and downs of parrot ownership and pregnancy.I doubt very much that the parrot could pass any thing to you or the baby but if it would help, a vet check and blood work may put your mind at rest.As others have said your hormones are everywhere right now,infact you probabley want to kill the next person who tells you that,such as hormones are.If you cant cope ,you cant cope, no shame in that. Have a talk with your husband and tell him how you feel,you may be surprised at his reaction,I am sure he will be more understanding than you think.Whatever, it has to be said.If you do rehome Mica just find a really good home and then enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. good luck and best wishes Sheila

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Birds can be taught to go where you choose them to. I have toilet trained all of my birds without to much difficulty. They poop on they're playstand or cage or if they are with me I keep a peice of newspaper or paper towel close by and when they have to go they will go on the paper. It is reletivley easy to train a bird. They may have an accident once in awhile but very rarely. Birds want to please their companions and will learn to poop where they are told too.

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Birds can be taught to go where you choose them to. I have toilet trained all of my birds without to much difficulty. They poop on they're playstand or cage or if they are with me I keep a peice of newspaper or paper towel close by and when they have to go they will go on the paper. It is reletivley easy to train a bird. They may have an accident once in awhile but very rarely. Birds want to please their companions and will learn to poop where they are told too.

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  • 3 months later...

Hello All


I am not sure if you remember me hence the reason I am replying to a post I posted in February.

You will all be pleased to know that I waited out my first three months of pregnancy. I am now 6 months pregnant and I love my African Grey loads and loads, and I could never imagine life without him (even though he is a naughty ). He is part of our family and settled in well.

He has said his first few words: Peek a Boo, Hello, Mika, What you doing…. the list is fast growing.

I am so grateful to have him in our life I love him a lot and cannot wait to introduce our baby to him vey soon with God’s will.


I want to thank you all for your advice. I will post picture of him soon. My adorable lovable Mika! 


Shazia x

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I am so glad to hear you waited it out with the beginning of your pregnancy and now things are looking much better, it was just a thing that didn't last and you made it thru with flying colors. If you had given up your grey you would have regretted it but if you handle things properly then you will have a lifetime comapanion the whole family can enjoy.


Thanks for letting us know and let us hear from you more often as we want to know what is going on with you and your grey.

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