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Greys Alone


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Hi All,


I am having to leave my greys alone overnight for approx 24hrs with no-one to check in on them. I live in Manchester and I am going to London for one night (i will be leaving saturdya am and coming back sunday lunchtime) I would take them with me but I feel the car journey is kinda traumatic for them. I have boarded them with the vets before but there is no point for one night.


I will be leaving plenty of food and water for them before we go but I am concerned......


Has anyone left their greys for one night?


Please help!



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Oh, I understand your situation. :-)


Your brds should be fine, since you are ensuring they have plenty of food and water for the 24 hours you will be gone.


I should have known you would not have someone over if you knew someone you even only barely tolerated to look in on them. ;-)

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What type of water delivery method do you use? Dish or bottle?


I use bottle, I do not have to worry about poopy water. For me the food water would not be an issue, but I would still be worried as well. We usually take our greys with us, but this last weekend we went out of town and decided it would be better for them to stay home for the weekend as it was -35 degrees outside. We could have hd the car warmed up for them, but still the journey to the car would have been quite a shock for them.


We ended up having one of my friends bird sit. I could tell all our pets were so happy to see us when we got home though.

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Thanks all......ah Dan you know me so well!


I may invest in the bottles you are referring to but both Indy and Ice are good and dont poop in their water/food bowl. I hope they dont invite their friends round for a party!!!:woohoo:

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