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keeping two greys


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hello from england,any advice please,i have a female african grey,macy,ive had her 6 months,she is 2 years old and she has bonded well with me,someone has offered me another afrian grey called lilly for free,problem is will they bond with each other,or will there be any problems keeping two females,many thanks

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I doubt they will bond with each other, more than likely they won't even get along with one another and you certainly have to have separate cages for them. I would say go ahead and get this grey, then you will have double the fun.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and Macy and Lily too.

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Welcome scousemouse!!


You just never know how it may work out. We have several Grey owners here with more than one. Depending on the level of "Bonding" you may be worried about, it should not really be a concern. They may become tolerant of one another or even like each other enough to sit next to each other and have some fun. However, it will not mean they would just not interact with you any longer.


Your present Grey may become jealous, you just never know.


Either way, if you wish to have two Greys go for it. If you wish to have things exactly as they are with no possible threat of a change in relationship, don't get the other Grey.


It all boils down to if you are wiling to take in another Grey and provide love and a forever home for it regardless of how things may change. :-)

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We also have 2 greys which are not bonded to one another but get on really well. You do have to watch the jealousy thing though and make sure you do everything for Macy before the second one. Believe me Macy will be checking on that and taking note. Our male lets me know in no uncertain terms if I accidentally give something to our other grey first. He is always watching and no matter how sneaky I think I can be.

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I'm in the same boat as you. I have a female CAG I have raised sense she was 6 weeks and she will be 2 next month. My boss just gave me a 4 1/2 week old baby grey that has a brokn leg that we couldn't sell and she knew I was the best home for him. I was worried about the bond with me and Elmo but because there are so many people I talk with on the forums here that have more than one grey I figure if they make it work than so can I. I say if you want the second grey go for it.B)


So far Elmo has been giving me a little more attitude than I normally get when I have babies home because I think Elmo knows that the one baby is staying but he is still my baby that comes and gives me kisses when I ask for them and flips on her back in my hands...if she was THAT mad at me I don't think she would still be doing these things.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2009/02/04 17:13

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Congrates on your new family member I'm glad that you have decided to give this bird a forever home. Just curious have you met Lily before and is she well taken care of and loved or is she somewhat of a rescue bird. Either way I do comend you on helping this bird to have a wonderful new home.

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My opinion is that the great majority of people who have 2 greys or more really shouldn't worry about *bonding* if the bonding you're talking about is eventually picking another bird as a replacement to you. As lokng as each bird has their own home(cage) the only *bonding that will happen is a mutual friendship between each other and that usually happens when both are out of their cages. The owner is still #1. Many people have more than one grey and it winds up that they simply tolerate each other, not become extremely close friends. If greys get closer to being close friends, it still means that they're playmates. I don't think you have anything to worry about if each bird has their own home. Matter of fact, each bird's personality develops better if they each have their own home.

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