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Clumsiness or something else?


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Hi again guys!


I visited my baby at the breeder's today. She's super sweet, and has already been flying about, but she's extremely clumsy when she's down on the ground. She doesn't seem to know what her feet are for! She doesn't like to perch, and if you set her on a perch she will slowly climb/flop her way down until she's sitting on a flat surface. Sometimes she holds her feet up and looks at them as if she isn't sure what she's supposed to do with them. And if I pick her up on my fingers, she wobbles so bad I worry she'll fall off.


Now, she WILL perch if she has to (if I set her on the flat bottom of a playstand, she will come to the very edge of the stand tray and perch on the edge, waiting for me to come pick her back up) but if I try to hold her on my fingers or arm she has a fit. Again, even in these instances she's very wobbly.


She doesn't like high places (except my shoulder, of course) and prefers to snuggle in a hand or the crook of your arm. She's three months old as of today. Has anyone experienced this in their baby and/or would you say this is normal clumsy behavior that will go away as she matures and gains more confidence, or something that should be looked at by a vet?

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Hi Zandische,


When I got my baby birds they were the same - I'm sure you've noticed they've got really big feet, and even at 20 months, Casper's not good at walking on the flat. My other babies were really clumsy when I first bought them home - so I don't think it's any problem. I'd just suggest keeping perches in her cage low down to start with, then gradually move them up as she gets less clumsy!



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Guest briansmum

my baby was (still is) rather clumsy, for the first week i had him he lived on the bottom of his cage. he was very clumsy in climbing and walking till he started flying, now hes getting more agile everyday.


i'm sure she will grow out of it, or rather grow into her feet a bit and she'll be as graceful as an angel before you know it. but like julia said.. keep the perches low for a bit ;)

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