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I hope I am doing this right. Shame on me, we build websites for a living and yet I can't figure out to post on a Joomla forum!

Anyway, my name is Shannon, I live in Louisiana. We've got two Greys and the are the greatest. Omar is 7, and we got him from a breeder. Omar is super-duper smart, he speaks over 100 words easily and lots and lots of complete phrases/sentences. We have never intentionally taught him to speak, he has just picked up what he wants to pick up. He is so funny and I adore him with all of my being. He is unfortunately way overly sensitive and kind of psychotic sometimes in that he gets all wigged out if I leave a tennis shoe out or if I leave my closet door slightly ajar, or if a fly is in the house (that has happened twice and my husband and I nearly killed ourselves trying to catch the fly because Omar was flipping out over it).

Ozzie is 5. He is a sweetie, and what he lacks to Omar's high intellect he makes up in lovableness. I don't know his deal but he wants to mate with anything, he is always trying to regurgitate for me and when I take pictures of him he tries to regurgitate for my camera which he loves as well. He is a real goofball. He also is a hilarious dancer and dances often. Omar dances to, but his dancing as with everything he does is precise and calculated whereas Ozzie gets on down with it.

Unfortunately, the two birds hate each other. They must stay separate with no chance of getting around each other because they will seriously try to kill each other. They have crossed paths twice and scared me to death.

Well, that's about it. Glad to be here.

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Hello Shannon and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you, Omar and Ozzie.


Having two greys like you do shows how individual they really are and yours is certainly no exception, I guess you could say that one complements the other yet they do not get along at all but that is no surprise either.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisire and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We would love to see some pictures of Omar and Ozzie if you have some you would like to share with us.

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Okay, I posted some photos- three of Omar and three of Ozzie. They are under the photo album, I hope I did this right. If I need to do it differently, let me know.

Thanks for the welcomes. And yes, they are a load of fun. Oh and to answer another question, I got Omar when he was three months old and Ozzie when he was closer to 4 months old.

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Hi Shannon, glad you've joined the forum. Your two greys sound as different as day and night, but I can tell you really love them both. It's a shame they can't get along with each other. I have a TAG that doesn't like other greys, he was the only chick in his clutch and wasn't raised around other birds. I wonder if that is what happened with either of yours?

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I don't know what happened with Omar and Ozzie. Omar was extremely hurt when I brought Ozzie home, unfortunately. I really didn't expect that and it hurt me too. I had just seen Ozzie at a pet store and everytime I went there over the period of about two months, he was still there (I said he was around 4 months old when we got him, but thinking back it was really closer to 6 months). I just fell in love with Ozzie and I really thought Omar would be happy to have a bird friend. Au contraire, it did not happen that way. However, they starting being friendns and hung out with no problem, but them at some point Ozzie started bullying Omar. Ozzie is a good bit bigger, meaning more stout, than Omar, and maybe he was just being a bully. I let them out separately during the day, Ozzie in the morning and Omar in the evening. At some point Ozzie learned to open Omar's cage and would scare Omar into a corner. I had to close the door between them but still occasionally Ozzie would end up in Omar's room and start trying to cause trouble. After probably a good two-three years of this, Omar started fighting back and that's when it got really bad. They tied into it twice and I seriously thought I would lose one of them, so I am really careful now about keeping them apart. They seriously appear to want to kill one another. I just hate it.

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Thats too bad when Parrots just abhor one another.


You are obviously taking very good care of them and providing the care, love and personal one on one time each needs.


Thanks for expanding on the description of dealing with them.


I am sure each brings joy to you in their own distinctive way. :-)

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