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Good Morning Group,


I am new to this website and hope yall can give me some answers. We bought our Congo Grey when it was 2 days old. The breeder kept it for 4 months and we raised it since then. We have always thought it was a male, but this morning SHE presented us with an egg.


She sits right with it and we don't know what the proper thing to do is. Do we leave it? Do we take it away? What is the right thing to do???





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Hello Rick and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey.


I would just leave it with her for right now, she may lay another or two before it is over with and then I think you would leave them for a natural length of incubation and then remove them. At that time I would remove whatever she laid them in so she won't get the idea to lay some more.


We do have some threads here that deal with this very problem so do a search to find them and you may find more advice and we do have several very knowledgeable members who can guide you further with their expertise.


Please do read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of this grey you would like to share with us we would love to see her.


BTW, what is her name?

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Thank you SO MUCH for the reply. This was a total shock to us.


SHE was born in Cocoa, Florida, so we named HER (this will take some getting used to since we always called her a boy. We named her KOKO, knowing you can't be sure of the sex of the bird. We never cared because she is just a pet and never will be bred.


Thanks again,

Rick, Nadelle and KOKO

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And I just read my reply and surely didn't mean it to sound like she is "just a pet". She is a member of our family and certainly is loved by all. She is very particular who she likes and lets you know quickly who she doesn't like.


Thanks to all of you who replied and Nadelle and myself feel better about this whole situation.


Thanks again,


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Well, it is Friday morning and KoKo presented us with another egg this morning. The first one, got broken and we removed it and cleaned the cage and put some shredded paper in the bottom. She formed a nest out of it and this morning her new present was there. Her appetite is fine and she still is friendly and appears normal in every way.

Thanks so much for all the concern and advice. You guys have a great day.

Rick, Nadelle and KoKo

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Hope that helps.


Lisa<br><br>Post edited by: LisaM, at: 2009/02/08 01:30

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