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Uhhhh - Is this the "Musli" you are reffering to? I don't know why you would want to give it to your Greyif so and do not know if it is safe for them either....



Uses of Musli


Dry Safed Musli: A Divya Aushadhi


Safed Musli has very good Ayurvedic medicinal use. It is rich source of over 25 alkaloids, vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, steroid, seponins and polysaccharides etc.


A number of Health tonics (Sexual tonics) are prepared from Safed Musli. It is essential part of a traditional diet of mothers (after delivery) in the form of Laddoos. Efforts in countries like USA and England are also on to convert it into chips to use it as a nutritious breakfast.


Safed Musli is a traditional medicinal plant. Its tubers roots are used in ayurvedic medicines. Roots are used for the preparation of nutritive tonic used in general sexual weakness. There is a vast demand of Safed Musli all over the world.


Of late, Pfizer's Viagra has been a sensation all over the world for its aphrodisiac qualities. It has proved to highly useful for people suffering from Erectile Dysfunction. But, as the drug has a chemical base, it has many potential side effects. It is reported to have serious effects on nerves and grave repercussions for cardiac patients. On the other hand, Safed Musli is a safe and effective drug, with similar benefits and without any side-effects. Alive to it, the Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation launched a potency drug by name NAI CHETNA (The Indian Express 1st December 1999) that has been enjoying widespread and increasing acceptance as an alternative to Viagra.


Main uses of Safed Musli:


For Therapeutic application in Ayurveda, Unani and Allopathy


As a Curative for Physical weakness and many illnesses


As a Curative for Natal and Post-natal problems

As an Aphrodisiac Agent and Vitalizer

As an Effective alternative to Viagra

As a General Sex tonic

As an Immunity-improving drug

As a Remedy for Diabetes

As a Remedy for Arthritis

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you know the cereal muesli it has blend of raisins, sultanas, banana, apricot, dates, papaya and pinapple with wheat flakes, oat flakes and barley flakes and other things. just so i can give him something for the morning instead of the normal seed diet he gets. or can you suggest any cereals?

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Why not give him fresh vegetables or fruits? That would be a healthy alternative. All cereals have some kind of preservatives in them and too much might not be good for him. I would recommend healthy natural foods. I give my flock a variety of mostly pellets, then vegetables, a small amount of seeds and healthy human foods that I cook.


You can also look through some of the threads in the bird food room about Deit and Nutrition. There is another good thread called "What do you feed your greys" or something like that and alot of members have listed their greys diets in there. There are some good ideas in them.


I was wondering what you meant by "normal seed diet" you talked about in your previous post? Parrots need more than seeds in their diet to stay healthy. I didn't know if it was just seeds in the morning or if that is his diet?

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There are many "homemade" muesli recipes that have a lot of the same ingredients that many of us use in a "dry mix". Many of the packaged Muesli cereals have added sugar/salt so I would definitely check the entire ingredients list.


My dry mix contains a variety of grains, dried fruits, nuts, dried veggies, etc. I provide a small amount of that in one dish in their cage during the day and a mixture of pellets in another. I move the bowls around the cage too to try to increase their "foraging" opportunities.


On the grains, I would try to use whole grains instead of flaked or rolled. And I also use the same grains along with some beans in a soaked mix, cooked mix, or to "sprout".



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I would suggest giving him a diet of mostly pellets, about 70% pellets. That is what most avian vets recommend. Along with a small amount of seeds and fresh fruits and vegetables. Nutritionally, Vegetables are better than fruits, especially green vegetables.


Pellets have the most nutrients that they need in order to stay healthy. If parrots are not given the proper nutrition they can get vitamin defiencies which could lead to illness.


If he is mainly on a seed diet he is not getting the proper nutrition he needs. I would start him on pellets right away. Sometimes it takes them awhile to start eating them because they are not used to them but persistance is the key. Some parrots start eating pellets with no problems either.

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Ok, I was wondering about that. Where are you from? You can order pellets online as well. There is one thread on here called "Free Food" put that in the search box at the top of the page and hit the enter key. In that post another member has put toll free numbers where companies will send you free samples and you can try them out to see which ones he likes best. :)


But you can order pellets online and they can be sent directly to your home. I am hoping some other members will put some links in for you so you can look them up on the internet yourself. If not I will try and find some and post them in this thread later.


It's good he has not gotten sick. Over long periods of time a seed diet can take it's toll though. Its like giving your child candy every day to eat instead of well balanced meals. They like it and they live on it but eventually it can have bad effects. It's great you are looking for other healthy things to feed your grey. :)

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Baxtermom gave good advice on the change in diet you should try to make.


There are tons of things to give your Grey rather than just seeds and fruit. Oatmeal, scrambled eggs etc. with other stuff mixed in like red palm oil, bananas, honey ...get creative and your Grey will love it especially since it's warm and tastefull.


Lots of chopped up veggies like kale, mustard greens, broccoli, carrots, pumpkin, sqush etc. Fruit should be limited to small amounts and only once or twice a week.


Links for pellets like harrisons or zupreem:


High Potency coarse is reccomended for Greys.




Zupreem - Fruity or uncolored is fine and they have several different selections:




Informational on Diet:



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Hi there

Give Northern parrots a try for Harrisons they stock 1

1lb bags for under ten pounds which will last a while

Muesli might seem healthy but it contains a fair amount of sugar as well which sort of counteracts the whole healthy thing

Lots of leafy veg, bit of fruit but try to cut down on the seeds. Its difficult at first but with a bit of perseverence I am sure you will get your grey to accept a better diet

I also bought a metal skewer type thing from the hamster dept at pets at home I thread on some sweetcorn, pomegranate,pasta etc and he has so much fun actually working to get his food

Best of luck;)

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As far as the packets of dried fruits...you have to be sure if you give them those (and they should only be a small part of the overall diet for Greys) that they are "unsulfured" and don't have added sugar or salt. The ingredients on the bag should list the fruit only.


One thing you can do to make seeds healthier is to "sprout" them. Basically you are soaking them for a period of time (usually overnight) and then rinsing them out a few times a day until a little sprout comes out of them. There are more detailed instructions if you search for "sprouting seeds". This will only work on fresh seeds, grains and beans though. Sprouted seeds are actually very nutritious for them.


This is in addition to the pellets (which I hope you are able to find or at least order online), fresh veggies, cooked "mash", etc. There are a lot of choices to give other than seeds. If you read through some of the "sticky" threads at the top, that will provide a wealth of information as far as ideas as well as what NOT to feed them.

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I use something called "Old world style Muesli" by Bob's Red Mill. This has no added sugar or salt and is made up of healthy ingredients. I feed it to my bird on a regular basis and she loves it.


I also feed her a fair bit of fresh veggies/fruits and sprouts. Dried fruits and veggies (check out justveggies.com) are ok so long as they are not preserved with sugar and sulfur dioxide. ALWAYS check the label and if it says "sugar" or "sulfur dioxide" don't feed it to your bird.

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