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What to do...what to do...


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So, I'm still caring for the 3 baby CAG's and we have been talking about what we were going to do with the baby with the broken (and now healed) leg. We were thinking at first that we would sell him at a discount to someone very knowledgeable about parrots and could deal with a handicapped Grey. Then the owner said to me and my manager the other day that the breeder offered to come and get him and replace it when she has more babies. Steph and I both brought up concerns that the breeder might put it down and that we wanted to be sure it got a good home. The owner then said if she was to get a little bit of a refund she would let one of us (bird dept. people) buy him for $200...which is a pretty good deal. She said this looking right at me though so Steph said "Well, Berna doesn't have $200 to blow right now..." and so the owner said she would figure things out with what to do with him. Well today she came up to me and said "If the breeder was to give us another baby for free or refunds the money for the baby, would you take him?"...as in for free!!!! I didn't know what to say, and I told her I wasn't sure so she told me to think about it.


So, what do you all think? I really didn't want to have 2 greys cause Elmo is my baby, and I always told myself that I only really wanted to have 2 parrots. So that only left room for Ethel down the line.


I do really love him and I'm sure I could make room for him and feeding and caring for him wouldn't be an issue, but I'm not sure how happy Elmo would be with the new brother or sister, and if I would want to have 2 greys. I just want to do what is best for Elmo, so what do you guys think...<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2009/02/02 01:32

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Come on Berna, don't be such a pain in the ass. Just who do you think you're kidding. What kind of a place do you think this joint is? You think you can pull a swifty on us? This is a bird board, remember? Do you really think we're gonna let you get away from taking that bird? Maybe you're looking for a beating from the people here. I'll lead the squad. I've got whips or chains. take your pick. Be ready for a bad beating. Know something, you're boring me with such a silly question. Today was a decent day until you just tried to pull the wool over our eyes. You betta watch yourself OR ELSE!!!!!!


PS--I think you owe the people here an apology for trtying to hoodwink them<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/02/02 02:52

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Berna, this is a decision you have to make on your own as you are the one who has to live with it but in my opinion it seems to me you have already made that decision. If I am reading you right I think you really want this grey for you know you could give this little one a good home, even though he is "damaged material" he is still a grey capable of much loving and providing a lot of companionship for you and Elmo.


I don't think that Elmo would be jealous or begrudge you for the time spent with this new grey as long as you keep Elmo in his position as top bird, he was there first so he has to always come first.


I think your heart is big enough for two greys and Ethel when it comes time to bring her into your home, I have no doubt that you can handle 3 birds, hell you can handle a whole store full, whats 3 bigger birds.


Thats my opinion and especially since the breeder would in all likelihood put the poor grey down if they get the bird back, that grey deserves a good life and I believe you can give that to him.


So what are you gonna do Berna?

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I'm thinking I need to start thinking of names.:laugh:


I know the handicap isn't going to be an issue ether, heck I have birds with worse handicaps than him. I'm just worried about Elmo...not giving him 100% of my "free" time but only 50-60% of it. I would feel better knowing he is with me than anyone else though...and I know that he would have a great life here with me. I talked to my parrents about it too and they both wouldn't mind me bringing in another Grey...esp one that is free and needs a good home.


I don't know why I'm feeling so apprehensive about keeping him. IDK, maybe I just over think things.:laugh: :laugh:

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I don't think you "overthink" things as this is a big decision and one not to be taken lightly so be sure this is what you really want to do and then do it.


I think Elmo will be just fine, you probably need to scale back on his attention anyways, with just one bird that bird tends to be spoiled rotten, at least with two you will have to divide the time up some what with both getting equal time. A lot of the other members here have more than one bird and more than one grey and they manage just fine and you will too.


What names are you considering?


BTW, pay Dave no mind as he is all talk and no action.

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Looks like you've bonded big time, Berna.


You won't regret it if you say yes.


On the other hand, you can't ALWAYS say yes.


Having all your significant other humans on board is a good sign (you mentioned your parents), but in the end it's your decision alone.

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Berna, it is an adorable baby and with your big heart and the care you give all the babies you work with, this is a no brainer, bring that baby home!! Who else will love it as much as you already do. Who else can give it the care and patience that you will. Elmo will be just fine and will probably love the company. Let us know what you decide. Whatever you decide, it will be the right thing to do.

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I think tomorrow I will tell the store owner that I will take him if the breeder doesn't demand him back for the refund. I know Elmo won't be happy about it at first, but I think he might come around. All I know is I can't let anything happen to this little guy and I know that I can deal with his needs better than most.


This little guy also seems to have come to me during difficult time in my life. I left my b/f of 8 years the other week, and part of the reason for doing so was the birds. I guess he thought I was bluffing when I told him before that I would take the birds over anyone else.:laugh:

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Berna, this little guy needs someone who knows what they are doing, he is a special little grey who needs lots of tlc and patience and guess what? Your the girl for the job!!!


Go for it! This has got to be fate!


You will find enough love to share, I have always worried about my greys each time I have added to my flock, it will work out and you will have enough love and attention to divide between Elmo and the new baby.


Good luck Berna, let us know what you decide:)

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Difficult time, just lost your bf of 8 years and it was partly because of the birds, then I say good riddance for if he hasn't seen by now that Berna is going to have birds in her life then he never will. Good for you Berna for you need a man that if he is going to love and accept you then he has to accept the birds, one does not come without the other, you go girl, there is another man out there for you I know it.


I do so hope this works out for you to get this little guy, my fingers are crossed.

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I agree with Judy! I have lost many friends because of the birds Berna, but they are a big part of my life, people have to accept me for what I am!!!


I am sorry about your relationship ending, 8 years is a long time.


You have got us Berna:kiss:

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Oh, he's adorable. I am sure you will make the right decision. I know you'd give him a GREAT home.

Perhaps you could consider giving it a trial run. See how things go with Elmo and how you do handling the extra sharing of attention. If things don't work out you could consider yourself a foster mom and find a great home for the baby to go to. Just a suggestion- I'm sure once you get him home you and Elmo will both fall in love!:kiss:

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He is so cute.Berna I trust you to make the only decision possible. I just know if you can you will take him.

I am sorry about your boyfriend,it is hard. Some people just cant understand how pets become a huge part of our lives.

Good luck with the little grey.

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I think you're mind is already made up .

I'm really sorry about your relationship break-up .

It takes a very special person to understand the love of birds .I know you will make the right decision and will give it all the love it deserves .:)

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Well the store owner talked to the breeder today and because she is on the other coast she said that is wasn't worth her time and gas money to drive all the way over here without a replacement so she said we could keep him at no cost. SOOOOO, the owner came to me and asked again if I wanted him and I said...




So now to think of a name for the little guy.

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What an adoreable little guy. Elmo might enjoy having another grey around. I know what you mean though. I've always thought Tobie needed my full attention. Everyone here seems to manage more than one bird though. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/02/03 02:10

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