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Getting a grey tomorrow


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Hi all! I'm new here!


I am going to be fostering an African Grey with the hope of adopting him once we find out if my boyfriend is allergic to him or not (he was allergic to my foster cockatiels). I volunteer for a bird shelter where this grey was dropped together with another bird. I know he is 14 years old and likes women, but that's all. He had been at the shelter for 2 days when I came to see him, and had not stepped up or spoken or anything yet. I got him to play toss/pick up with me, and he stepped up for me, and also gave my nose and my finger kisses by extending his beak. I'm in love :kiss: :blush: For the last three years I've wanted a grey but none have communicated this way with me before - this is quite a connection from the first meeting. I'm excited to see where this goes and if I do end up keeping him! :woohoo:

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Hello Kristina and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and possibly this new to you grey.


That is so wonderful that you foster birds and do volunteer work for a bird shelter, you are doing something so very worthwhile and needed and so you have found a grey that seems to have taken a liking to you.


For your sake I hope your bf turns out to not be allergic to this grey as I can tell you really want to be able to keep this grey and I hope it works out for you.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I assume that is him in your avatar but if you have other pics of him you would share with us we would love to see him.

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Welcome Kristina!!


It's GreYt to have you here and I hope all works out well with the adoption and your boyfriend does not turn out to be allergic to the Grey. :-)


I would hate to see your boyfriend to have to relocate due to it. ;-)


Looking forward to hearing how things go.

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Hi guys! So far so good- Spanky is settling in at my house very well. He is such a laid back bird. He started whistling and talking within 5 minutes of his arrival. I left the room for a while and got this cute video of him saying some fun stuff!



He steps up but I can tell he's not interested in being held or cuddled. My bf was able to get him to step up as well, and give him kisses. So it's great that they get along. I'll just keep my fingers crossed that he's not allergic!

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that bird seems very happy. i know our greys bond but you should be in good shape considering how happy he is. does he let you hold him and stuff? i will be posting some videos of my guy soon. i am trying to find a good breeder to aquire another grey so if anyone knows let me know thanks....dereck

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