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Building confidence in greys?


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Well, right now from your description of your newly adopted grey and it's present condition. I would not worry about the shyness at this time.


First it needs to become comfortable with it's new home, cage and family. It also may have underlying health issues such as maybe something as simple as nutrition and a proper diet which I am certain you are going to provide.


Let your Grey settle in for days or weeks and get to where it feels safe first of all. Sit next tot he cage and talk to him/her, read, watch tv, offer treats by hand etc. to build trust and security.


As the trust builds, so will the confidence in exploring more. Although you should be aware that most Greys are very cautious of anything new such as toys or anything else that may be introduced in close proximity to them.


It will all come together for you and her/him over time. It will just take tons of patience and love in bringing this Grey to a level you and he/she will enjoy each others company, home and family. :-)

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I adopted a 12 year old grey this past July. He was cage bound and hadn't been handled in years if ever. Poor guy:( . He didn't even know how to step up when I got him.


Dan gave some great advice and I ditto all that. Mainly give him a few days/weeks to settle in, offer treats and talk to him as much as possible to build the trust. I think my main mistake with Baxter was pushing him too fast and wanting to handle him and love him and pet him too fast for him to handle. Because of that I got bit alot!!!! He even bit me till I bled several times:pinch: but looking back I know that was my fault. Take into consideration his point of view as well as your own. Baxter wasn't sure of me or his new surroundings and I didn't help by always wanting to touch him. My intentions were good but he probably just thought I was some crazy lady:woohoo: :blink: I should have went more at his pace than mine. Another tip is not to have a time table set or certain expectations or time limits. Let him go at his own pace untill the trust gets built up good between you two.


With all that said, it took about 6-8 weeks for me to be able to touch Baxter all over, his head, back, wings, chest and him feel comfortable. I knew from the start that we bonded right away, kind of like you said yours did so just be patient, loving and kind and it will all fall into place. Open his cage door up so he can come and go while you are home with him and let him venture out on his own. And please keep us updated with all your progress. I love hearing rescue stories and their outcomes. I asked a ton of questions, between this forum and your resources at the vet I think this is going to be a great success story!!

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