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Soon to be CAG Parent!! : D

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Hello! I am new to this website, and to African Grey parrots. I am a pet nurse, where I fell in Love with African greys! I always wanted a bird, but more importantly I wanted a companion. I searched through classifieds, ads, and websites looking for the special comapnion I would spend my life with, then one day I found him and his cage mate in need of a good home! I am adopting a green cheek conure and African grey next week and I am so very excited. I really cant wait. I have done a lot of research and it turns out that one of my vets in my clinic are great with birds! : ] I am buying the cage from the owner so hopefully the birds will feel a little more at ease at my house. Any suggestions would be great! I am looking for names for them both. I am thinking..

1) Yogi and BooBoo

2) Smokey and Bandit

3) Mario and Luigi

4) Calamity and Chaos

5) Julius and Ceasar

6) Zues and Aires


anyone like them? I wont name them until after I have seen them in person of course.


also. Both birds are said to be three years old. Do you think they can learn to trust and love me? thanks!

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Hello Emily and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey.


I am surprised to hear that this grey and a conure are cage mates, I assume they must have been brought up together for it is unusual for them to share a cage and get along so well. I have a sun conure but I have to keep her separated from my grey as they do not get along.


I like some of your choices for names, very appropriate for two birds who are more than likely sidekicks for one another.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I see that must be a picture of them in your avatar but when you pick them up next week why not take a few pictures and share them with us as we would love to see them.

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Congratulations and welcome to the forum.


Like Judy said, its unusual to see these two as cage mates, they must have a close bond.


Love the names but my kids have voted for Mario and Luigi as its from their nintendo games.:)


Please keep us posted. Cant wait to hear more about them both.

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Welcome EmilyCaroline91!!


It's GreYt to have you here. I am so glad to hear you are opening your home and heart to those two birds and pals in need of a good forever home to love and cherish them.


I know a twosome as you describe of different species. A Sun Conure and a CAG wound up in the same brooder box. It was due to the baby Grey getting nipped by one of it's siblings and was moved to the Suns box for mending time with a small and non-threatening roommate.


They wound up the best of buddies and were purchased together and stayed in the same cage. As that was how the birds wanted it. If separated they would climb all over their respective cages and call to one another.


They still happily reside together in the same cage to this day and are a real joy to the loving owners family.


You are certainly in for a treat and an indescribable love and bond that will take place once you have possession of these precious souls.


The names you have so far are cute in pairs of well know duo's. I assume you do not wish to keep their present names?


A few more sets:


David and Goliath

Laurel and Hardy

Spanky and Alfalfa

Amos and Ernie

Aries and Thor

Biggie and Little


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/02/01 14:53

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Hi and welcome.I cant wait to hear more about the odd couple as I already think of them. You are in for so much fun.I wish my grey and tiel could get on better.



I like the names you already have but hear are a few more.

Bonny and Clyde

Little and large

crackers and Bonkers

cane and able

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;) We have decided to keep the green cheeks conure name as is, being as my nana likes it, and its her house. His name is Pete. We have decided to name the African Grey Jasper. I love that name, and I think it fits him. I am so excited to go up there and get them next week! SIX DAYS!:woohoo: thanks for all the support! I will post pictures and all when I get them home.
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Jasper and Pete, those are nice names, I did like some of the other combinations that some members came up with but they are your birds and your decision.


These will be the longest six days of your life but then after that you have them for a very long time so just remember that good things come to those who wait.

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I got some horrible news today :sick: Both the African Grey and the green cheek conure have passed away. :( The lady "accidently" fed them coffee. I am deeply upset. The search continues to find a companion in NC. I am so upset because I know she did it KNOWING it would kill them. I just wish I had gone and gotten them sooner, so they would have been safe.

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I am so sorry to hear of this news, I am sickened but mad as hell also. How in the world can someone "accidently" feed two birds coffee knowing it is a toxic substance to them? There is more to this than just what you have told us Emily, give us the entire facts please.

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I am mad as well. The whole story is, she was being FORCED to give up her birds, by her mother. The news didnt sit well with her, and I guess she figured if the birds were dead then she wouldnt have to give them up. Thats all i know, as that was all that was sent to me in the email. I just. I cant BELIVE someone would do something like that. HOW can you?!?!?! I have been crying for hours now. Its just not fair to those birds.

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I seen this post when you first put it up and knew I would have to say hi and tell you that I too have a grey and a conure that are buddies and wanted to tell you about them.


And Today I read what happened and I am so heartbroken for the birds and disgusted at who ever did this to them:angry: I agree with Judy, what a heartless b****. I would love to bake her a cake with a good dose of rat poisening in it.

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yeah. Well revenge isnt going to bring the birds back. I honestly am still in shock. I cant belive someone would do that, and in a way I feel responsible for not getting the birds sooner, to make them safe :[ All I can do is pray God forgives her, and to keep looking for a companion, as well as keep Pete and Jasper in my heart. :unsure:

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I can't believe someone would deliberately harm their companions. There has to be something more to this. Perhaps she found someone to keep them for her and couldn't tell you that. I don't want to believe someone would consciously harm their loved ones. I am so sorry about what has happened.

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I have tried to look her up, however it turns out her address, and her name were both incorrect. I called the ASPCA however without her REAL contact information they cant do anything. I gave them her number that I had called her on, and her email but both were dead ends. Her number is disconected and her email is regersterd under yet again, another name. : [

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