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We're expecting!

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I'm not sure why "three weeks" sounds SO much shorter than a month away, but it does! :) I've already numbered the baby-countdown days on my desk calendar at work. I'm sure that deep down my coworkers think I'm just a wee bit crazy for being so excited about a bird, but at least I have you guys to relate to! Lol

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Oh, Chimaysmommy, I feel your pain! Ha ha ha! My hubbie and I are waiting for our baby too. We're in CT on an internship, and our breeder is in ID. Since it's Winter, and too cold to ship, we have to wait until we get out there to pick up the baby. We won't get our CAG until the beginning to middle of April. Yikes! Also, she doesn't exactly do deposits and such... she's very picky about who the babies go to (which is the reason I chose her) and she wants to meet people in person (if at all possible) before sending babies home. So, if all the babies somehow get sold before I get there... well... that would be sad. I'm totally comfortable about though, I know there will be a baby left for us! She and I keep in touch via phone and e-mail, and she likes me. Heh heh... she seems like she'd rather give one to us, than to some of the other "scary people" she's talked to. Those are her words, not mine.


Anyway, congratulations! Chimay is ADORABLE!!!

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  • 6 months later...



I didn't read through the rest of the posts...but here is my experience on cages.


We bought one. Then we talked to the breeder and she said that the one Jasper was in was on sale. A lot bigger and only $20 more! UGH!


Jax (our lory) has one similar to yours... and I wish I had done things a bit differently. Jasper has his cage in his sleeping room and we have a T-stand in the living room. I love this arrangement much better. But Jax's works too. :)

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