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Jac the sick kitty


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Well, Jac has to go in for surgery next friday. The abcessed teeth have started to come through his cheek, but the antibiotics have started to work. His poor little face isn't as swollen, and he seems to be feeling better, less lethargic than a few days ago, so I think his fever has probably gone down. He's eating ok. I've substituted a soft food and then mash some of his kibble into it.


I thought I was going to have to fight with dad over the surgery. We're in a rural community and he was a farmer, where attitudes about animals are often very harsh. However, he hasn't said a word about it, so that's proof that he is just as attached to Jac as I am. Now, if he'd offer to pay for part of the bill . .


After all Jac is only 8 years old. I'll do whatever I can for him as long as his quality of life is good even if that means mashing up his food for the rest of his life! Wish us luck. surfing2008.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Acappella, at: 2009/01/31 18:19


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Jac is a great looking Cat.


It's good to hear he is responding well to the meds and the abscess swelling is going down. I can not imagine the pain he must be in from those.


Best wishes and hope all goes well with the surgery and recuperation.

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Jac is such a sweet looking kitty Marguerite and he is hardly old at 8 years, he has a lot of lives left yet.


Poor thing must have been in some real pain but soon he should be fine, of course your wallet will be much lighter but then you cannot put a monetary value on your love for Jac and I can imagine that your Dad understands how much you love Jac.


Be sure to keep us informed on Jac, we want to know how he is doing.

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Jac is a great looking cat.He must be in some pain from those teeth.I hope the op is a success and he recovers fast. He is still a young cat at 8 so the surgery will give him a good quality of life for many years.please let us know how things go.

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Well guys, Jac goes in tomorrow morning. I have to force his last antibiotic into him first thing tomorrow, shove him into his carrier and drive him to the torture chamber:( I've had to empty his food dishes and he's looking at me like he hasn't eaten for days. I feel like a very quilty mommy knowing what he's in store for. Don't you wish we could get a few minutes in every pet's life where we could tell them why we seem to be mean, and they could understand? Wish me luck. I'll post when I know how things went.

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Poor Jac just doesn't understand why he can't have any food tonight and it makes you feel so bad because you can't give him anything but I hope his surgery goes without a hitch tomorrow and he is fine afterward. Please do let us know how he is after the surgery and you take care Marguerite.

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Well my baby is home. They had to pull two teeth and cleaned the rest, and I have to do one more week of antibiotics, so that won't be fun. The total cost ended up being $220cdn. When I went to pick him up there were two women behind the counter. I said who I was there to pick up and the woman who was seated asked the other if she wanted to get him, and she said "not really"! I asked if he'd been bad and she said "not bad exactly, but very mad". I said how he was really a lovely cat, just not when he was there and I hear the vet, whom I've known for years, yell from the back room "I'd agree with both those things." Apparently he'd made quite an impression!


So early bedtime for everyone here tonight! Jac's still a little doped up and I have a huge headache. Thanks for all the good wishes guys, it means a lot. We all love all our animals so much, don't we?

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