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I took my bird to the vet for a regular check up. The vet found something wrong with him and gave me medicine to mix in with his water for 21 days. But now he looks worse than ever. He seems constipated, and now it looks like he has some blood in his stool. What do I do?

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YES!!! Absolutely get back to the vet ASAP! Blood in the stool...not good.


You didn't say how long ago the vet visit was and how long you've been giving the medicine. Was it a specialized avian vet? I'm only asking because I've never had my vet give me medicine to put in the water because it's not a very effective way as you can't gauge how much they're getting.


Do you know what the vet found wrong?


If it wasn't an Avian vet, find one and take your bird there.


Please come back and keep us posted!



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Hi cusita03,


Your Grey definitely needs to see the vet again ASAP, as others here have said.


From the change in condition you are describing, it is definitely a 911 to get a hold of your vet or another facility open on this weekend that has good knowledge of Parrots and how to treat them.


Please update us when you get a chance. :-)

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