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If I haven't join the Facebook society and get this link there, I had never ever found this wonderful and awesome site and forums.:kiss:

I'm middle age woman from Scandinavia, Finland:blink:

I don't have bird yet, because my studies about birds, especially Grays, are incomplete:) I feel that I'm not ready yet to take a bird.

I hope that I can be memeber of this forum, even I don't have bird yet :blush:


:kiss: Nina:kiss:

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Nina, welcome to the family. It is not required that you have a grey to become a member of this forum. I was a member before I became a grey owner. If you have an interest in greys and desire to learn more about them this is the place for you. Please read through the many threads and if you have any comments just pipe in and if you have any questions just ask. Hope to hear more from you and about you.

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Hello Nina and welcome! We LOVE people who come here before they have greys. There is so much to learn and I'll bet you'll learn more lurking around here and reading old posts than from pretty much any book or "information only" website.


I will be in Finland in a few weeks. I was happy to learn that it's similar weather to here (Minnesota) as I was thinking it would be even colder!!


Have fun here! We all do! :) :) :)

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Nina: Becoming a member to find out if a grey is right for you is a lot better than getting a grey, joining the sight, and realizing it isn't for you. Ask all you want there are so many knowledgeable people here with all the info you may need to decide if being a grey owner is for you. Are you ready for a friend for 50+ years? How are you at patience? Have kids? It' about the same. Good luck and ask away.

You're in the right spot.

Bruce & Mazy

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Hello Nina and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and no, having a grey is not a requirement to join, just an interest in the grey is all that is necessary.


How interesting that you are studying birds and espeically the grey, you could probably tell us a lot we don't know about this wonderful creature for a lot of us learn something new about them all the time.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisire and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Hopefully one day you will decide you want one of these magnificent creatures in your life.


So you found us on Facebook, interesting, even I have been caught up in joining Facebook from prodding from my daughter:whistle:

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