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Teaching my grey to talk!!


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Exactly when should grey's start to talk? I hear and read that it's mostly after a year...

How early did your greys start to talk?

And what are the best ways to teach them words? Simply talking to them and repeating words?

Afeni is 8 months and she doesn't talk at all. She mumbles in a robotic voice and she makes a ton of different sounds and whistles.

She was saying Hi in a really sweet voice at one point but she stopped saying it.


Thanks everyone!

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Talon started talking at 4 1/2 months, but I have read that most greys start anywhere from 6-12 months or more. I would keep repeating a word to get Talon to say it. I kept it very simple, just one word, and I always talk to her. They tend to pick up words that have alot of excitement in them.

I'm sure others here have lots of good advice.:)

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I didn't have him at the time, but Casper apparently started talking at 6 months. I'd definitely go along with what Talon said. If you want to go all out, google the Alex studies - to get your birdie talking intelligently - it's too complicated to explain here, but fascinating to read about - alex uses language like a small child, and there's information about how you can train your own bird - but again, as Talon says, they pick stuff up, just because they hear you repeating words.



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Harrison was talking when we brought him home at 3 months old. He started with "Hi Birdies"...he just said that for a while then at about 5-6 months old, he just took off...he was saying all kinds of things...I've been keeping a kind of diary of what he says in his photo album...he says what I say to him or what I say to whoever is listening...ha


Here's the list...



I love you

Hi/hello baby

Whatcha doin?


Hiya Hotlips



Hello bird

Harrison is a (very) pretty biiiiiirrrrrd

Pretty cool

It's OK

Feed the geckos?

You're a good boy. (lol)

How's my baby?

I'm sorry

Hello Buddy

How are you?


Where's Heather?

I'm Sorry

gootchie-gootchie goo

Go On


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  • 1 year later...

You can encourage talking by talking to them. Use your words in context whenever possible. You want them to understand how to use their words. ;)


Reward with lots of praise too. We applaud (literally) when Kumiko uses his words correctly. :)

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  • 3 months later...

Not all greys talk. People or stores who sell greys should tell customers about those things. Some greys specialize in sounds. Some greys take quite a long time to talk. All greys do talk in parrotese and eventually the owner of the grey understands exactly what the bird is saying by verbal sounds combined with body language.

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Hey Buddy, why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about your grey. Have you had him very long? Sometimes it takes a while for a grey to talk. So tell us a little more about your grey and some of our more experienced grey owners will be able to give you some suggestions. Welcome aboard and if you have any pictures you can share, we would sure appreciate it.:cheer:

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