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I made my 15 month old CAG, Jaco, a homemade wood gym that stands on the floor,has lots of hanging toys, and goes up 4 feet or so. I recently moved in with my roommate and she has a rescue greyhound and a doberman. Jaco has a bay window in my bedroom to look out of but I thought he needed some "out of the room" time for his stimulus and bigger flock. (It would also allow me to be out of the bedroom and not be attatched to him). Unfortunately, the dogs are not taking a liking to him. Also, he tends to fly (and crash land) a lot when I am not in visible range. One time he flew and the greyhound grabbed him with his jaw. I am trying water bottles to train the dogs and they hate getting squirted. But, I do not know what to do to get Jaco from stop flying. Once Jaco stops flying I think I can get the dogs to calm down and get used to him. I don't want to have to sell this giant gym but it's looking that way. Anyone have any advice???

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Jaco - You can not stop a dogs natural instinct to grab a moving target wit a spray bottle. Both Greyhounds and Dobermans are sight Dogs. They don't understand what message your trying to get across.The moment movement starts, they alert and chase as they were bred to do for a 100 years.


The solution is you must keep the dogs away from Jaco and vice-versa. Either put the dogs up when Jaco is out or keep jaco in your room. You can work at training Jaco not to fly until allowed, but that will take a lot of time and repetition before he ever gets it. Also, if a dog spooks him, he will fly anyway just out of instinct.


Thank God he survived the dog bite. I know how alarming that is and you must do all you can to ensure it does not happen a second time that could well be fatal.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/01/30 15:18

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I agree, put the dogs away when Jaco comes out. He needs you to protect him. It's not very fair that Jaco gets locked up in a room all day and the dogs get the run of the house. Although, honestly, I'm not a dog person so, my opinion is probably biased. :whistle:

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Thanks Dan-


I figured from my research on this site that mt options were either clip his wings or get rid of the perch and keep him in my room. And I won't clip his wings. Unless someone here has a good reason that I should :unsure:



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No I wouldn't clip his wings but you need to come to some kind of compromise on the dogs being out while Jaco is out of his cage and it can work for we have numerous members who have dogs and cats in the household along with their birds and they manage. Maybe you could limit his use of the playstand for when the dogs are closed up away from Jaco. Work on that for now and good luck.

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Here's another idea to mull over...



It sounds like you're pretty handy...you could build something to surround the playstand with wood/PVC and large screen. Like a big homemade cage with the playstand inside so he could be on his stand but protected from the dogs/from flying too far.


Or...You could get one of those nice travel cages (clear acrylic with a perch, food, water) or a "sleeping" cage to have in the living room and if the dogs are out, keep Jaco in that cage. That way he can still be out with you and your roommate. And put the cage somewhere the dogs can't get at it and frighten poor Jaco (especially after the one incident).


I would definitely try to make a deal with your roommate to put the dogs in her bedroom for awhile so you can have Jaco out free (and out of the small cage).


I wouldn't keep him in the small cage for long periods of time, but it might be better if he can at least be in the main area with you than in your bedroom all by himself.


Just a few ideas...I hope you can find a good resolution that works for all of you and keeps Jaco safe. As Dan said, dogs, and particularly sight-oriented dogs, cannot be trusted to be in a situation where they have access to birds. Not worth the risk.


Lilosmom: 1000 may be a low estimate for some. :-) Instead of putting mine back and back and back, I put them back in their cage after the 3rd time. I try to avoid that by putting them back on the stand/cage and then if they stay there for a few minutes I'll go get them and give them some attention, trying to reward the behavior of staying on the stand/cage.<br><br>Post edited by: LisaM, at: 2009/01/31 05:19

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I like the idea of putting up something around the playstand, expecially since it sounds like you're handy. If you can anchor something to a wall it would be sturdy enough to climb on. Of course then you're into questions about damaging the walls, do you rent or own your home. . . Nothing's ever simple y'know:(


Another option might be a small cage, the size used as a sleep cage by some. Too small to spend his days in, but big enough for stretching and a favourite toy. Here's the one I used over the summer to have him outside.


You can't train out instinctual behaviour in your dogs. Do a search for a thread by Dan and Dayo's 'near death experience' and you'll see that even the most well trained dogs that are very used to a bird's presence will act out of instinct.<br><br>Post edited by: Acappella, at: 2009/01/31 18:39

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I don't know what you can do about the dogs as long as your bird keeps flying. when I first get my birds. I always give them a minor wing clip until they get used to the way my home works with the other birds and the dogs. then by the time their wings grow out. They are used to everything and so are my dogs and other birds it works really well. All my birds are fully flighted and the dogs no longer chase them when the fly. I know you don't want to clip your birds wings but a minor clip just for a little bit may help the bird and the dogs to adjust to the situation.

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I don't know what you can do about the dogs as long as your bird keeps flying. when I first get my birds. I always give them a minor wing clip until they get used to the way my home works with the other birds and the dogs. then by the time their wings grow out. They are used to everything and so are my dogs and other birds it works really well. All my birds are fully flighted and the dogs no longer chase them when the fly. I know you don't want to clip your birds wings but a minor clip just for a little bit may help the bird and the dogs to adjust to the situation.

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