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Hi From Nebraska

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Hi everyone! My name is Rissa and I live in Nebraska. I don’t have a Grey yet, but I am seriously considering it. I love birds and have 4 tiels that are my babies :D I've always wanted a larger, smarter bird but never had the chance to have one until recently. While my decision is still in process, I've decided to read everything I can get my hands on about these wonderful feathered friends to adequately educate myself on their needs both physically and socially, before I actually commit to one and then find that they are not what I had expected.


I have always loved birds, even as a child. They intrigue me, and seem to have a way about grabbing my heart. (hence how I ended up with 4 tiels and in the predicament I am in now… wondering if a grey is right for me) I found this site on Google, and I figured that it would be a good place to learn all that I can, so that I know in the end… If I decide to or decide not to adopt a Grey it will be an educated decision, and not a spontaneous one.


Cant wait to meet everyone!

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Hello Rissa and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and whether or not a grey is for you.


You certainly did come to the right place to learn all about the grey and whether one will fit in with your life or if one is the right fit for you. They are awesome creatures and if you decide one is right for you then you have made a lifetime committment for they live for 50+ years.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We usually ask for pictures but since you do not have a grey we do have an other birds room where you can share some of the tiels if you like.

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Hi Rissa, welcome to the family. It's great that you decided to do research before deciding to buy a grey. You will find lots of information here. If you have any questions, just ask and members will try to help you. If you have pictures of your tiels, we would love to see them. Just post them in the other birds room. Hope to see you around!

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  • 2 weeks later...

she wrote:

Hiya Rissa. I wish everyone was as thoughtfull in their decision to purchase a grey or indeed ay pet.I am sure you will find answeres to your questions hear if not just ask and we will do our best to answer. Sheila


Thank you Sheila. That was very nice of you. The reason I am taking my time on this whole thing is I really want to know what I am getting myself into before I get into it and find that its not what I expected or doesn't fit my lifestyle or whatever.....


Too many birdies are re-homed each year because people take on a pet, which is a huge responsibility in itself, but they do so without proper research. They dont ask questions, they dont read, nothing. They just see the smart cute bird, on tv or youtube and then decide they want one. They get home with the bird, and after the "new" wears off the bird isn't exciting anymore. Generally in the cases that I saw, owners lost interest, bird lost attention, bird acted out, owners re-homed bird. This process can go on FOREVER before the poor lil things find a permanent home. I CAN'T SEE MYSELF DOING THAT!


I visited a sanctuary before and I also had a friend that did rescues with all sorts of animals. Animals that have to be re-homed over and over again are hard to bond with. They dont trust people. Rescuers have to work very hard with them to get them adopted into a forever home, and the adoptive parents do too. Its just not a happy process and I dont want to add another birdy into that system. Somebody at one time loved each and every bird or pet in a rescue, but they went off to school, or they moved to where they cant have pets, or they got tired of them and on and on..... I want my love for a pet to be forever. I have 4 tiels and they will stay with me until they pass. I love them and they are part of my family and I made a commitment to them that I intend to stick through with. I want to be 100% absolutely sure I can do the same with a grey.


okay wow that was long. I'll get off my soapbox now. Thanks for listening......:whistle:

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Welcome Rissa,


Its great you could join us here!


Its nice to see someone doing there homework and researching these magnificient birds. They can be quite demanding and are very high maintainance and like you say, many people just see the cute talking parrot on youtube not realising just how much time and effort goes into looking after these greys.


I have three greys and find they take up an awful lot of my time but saying that I still have plenty of time for my kids, husband and other pets etc. Its just trying to get yourself into a routine that suits around you and your lifestyle.


Have you seen a grey already? Do you plan to re-home or buy a baby?


Look forward to hearing more:)



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casper wrote:

Welcome Rissa,


Its great you could join us here!


Its nice to see someone doing there homework and researching these magnificient birds. They can be quite demanding and are very high maintainance and like you say, many people just see the cute talking parrot on youtube not realising just how much time and effort goes into looking after these greys.


I have three greys and find they take up an awful lot of my time but saying that I still have plenty of time for my kids, husband and other pets etc. Its just trying to get yourself into a routine that suits around you and your lifestyle.


Have you seen a grey already? Do you plan to re-home or buy a baby?


Look forward to hearing more:)




Hi caroline. I have seen a grey before. A close friend of mine had one as an adult, and now she has a baby that she purchased from the same breeder that I intend to purchase from. The breeder socilizes her babies and they are very sweet. As far as routine goes, I honestly dont think that adding a grey to my schedule would be that much of a change. I spend alot of time with my tiels and so do my kids and my husband. having birds is a very enjoyable part of my life.

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