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Re: Sqwatters


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Hello everyone...Yes I am a newbie, and thanks for the invite. I saw that someone had mentioned the product that I make, and it was a very nice comment. I logged on to let them know I loved it......And now that I am here, I think this is wonderfullllll. I am so happy to see all you birdie people here. I live in Iowa, and I make bird perches, flat ones. And the birds love them. This is such a nice site too. I feel honored to be here...:Phttp://www.greyforums.net/components/com_joomlaboard/emoticons/tongue.png

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Hello Lyngucci and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you.


You build bird perches but you don't mention whether you have a grey or not, doesn't matter if you don't as it is not a requirement to join you just need to have an interest in them.


I saw one of your perches you make in another thread, they look nice and I would imagine they help to keep the talons filed down, they can get very sharp. I will have to check out your website and see what you have to offer.


I think you will like it here just fine, we all try to get along with one another and are friendly to everyone whether you have a grey or not so join in the conversations and make some friends in the process.

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Welcome Lyngucci:

It seems like a bird perch maker must have a bird. As Judygram said it's not a requirement to have one to be here, as anybody of interest to birds is welcome. Look forward to hearing more and seeing some pictures.

Bruce & Mazy

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From Lyngucci...Hey guys thanks for the nice,welcomes I am very glad to be here. No, I don't have a Grey, but I would sure like one. Maybe some day. I have cockatiels, and a parakeet. The reason I started making these is I had a old fat cockatiel who liked to squat on everything. I owned a ceramic shop, so why not make them? Through many trials and ways to attach to cages, and many tries on big birds also. I have finally perfected the perch. I have been only selling online, but I now have 2 Distributors and I can't keep enough in stock. The birds love them and they last forever. I am currently filling 600 orders, there is only one of me and since they are all hand made, I don't have much time for my kids (birds) right now. They do get to come to the shop which is located beside my home, and they like to all play around with mommy's things. I have heard that the greys are the best pets, clowns and talk alot, very lovable too.

Sweet FX had bought one from me online and from what she says, her bird is very happy. One of my customers wrote me the other day and was laughing, she and her husband were watching t.v, and she looked at her (kids) and sayid,"Look Honey, all the kids are Sqwatting!!" fUNNY HU??? Well thanks guys, will talk and send some pics later.


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