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Hello everyone. My name is Kim I am currently a 37 yr old stay at home mom of a wonderful little 2 yr old. Iam blessed to have 3 parrots in my home.


Cadillac - CAG

Junebug - peachfaced lovebird

Bayle - baby umbrella


I was raised in Texas and 3 yrs ago moved to North Dakota for what was to be only 18 months but we are still here.




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Hello Kim and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Cadillac.


You have some cute names there for your pets, I love Cadillac and Junebug and you have a nice little flock there from the pictures you shared with us.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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I have had cadillac since he was 6 months of age. I have been invovled with him since he was 8 weeks of age. I personally did not hand feed him but I did get to interact with him when I was able to make it up to visit him at his breeders (110 miles away) which was every other weekend.


Yes my hands are full with a toddler and a baby umbrella (hes 18 weeks old) now but so well worth it. My son loves birds but knows to ask before he touchs and so forth and with Bayle he is able to actually "play" with him where as with Cadillac and JB he really cant. Cadillac is strongly bonded with me and JB is just tiny as tiny comes:P but he holds Junebug daily and helps feed cadillac in fact if I feed cadillac without him he gets mad, Cadillac does take treats from him and my husband but thats as far as contact goes

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Welcome Kim and Family:

I got a MSC Too the day he was weened and have had my grey (Mazy) for 16 years. They are becoming great friends but the older grey still puts the Too in his place. Our Too loves the kids and can be handled every which way. The grey is mine and she lets the rest of the family know it. What does your grey think of the Too?

Glad you found us and look forward to hearing more.

Bruce & Mazy & Avi

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Welcome Kim, family and flock!


Sounds like you keep pretty busy! What a wonderful home. Texas to ND? Quite a culture/weather shock I imagine. I'm in MN but have been here for 37 years (Yikes! That makes me sound old!) :-)



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