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I know it probably doesn't mean anything to you guys, but I just have to whine about it to someone. My baby was one of six that hatched on March 12. But yesterday I found out that due to prior obligations of the breeder, I got Bumped back to the next group. They are only two weeks old. :pinch: :(


I just want my Birdie.....

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Loofa, I'm so sorry. What a disappointment. :( But there is always a reason for things happening the way they do. The baby meant for you just wasn't in that group. I know it's hard to wait, but it will give you more time to prepare and get things ready. Maybe you can keep us posted with pictues in the mean time.


Hang in there, it will be worth the wait! :)

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Oh no I feel for you. Waiting is not a stong point for me either. That is why most my birds were older when I got them. My TAG was 6 months old and the first buyer had backed out.(They had been making payments so all I had to do was pay what was owed.) My Q was 7 years old and my amazon was 18 years old. I hate waiting for anything. lol

I must agree your special baby must not be in that clutch.

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I'm sure that would be VERY disappointing, especially if you've been visiting with your Grey baby regulary!

I think the only thing that might help, aside from getting your own bird after all, is visiting the new clutch and getting to know the youngster that will, one day, be yours.

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Guest Monique

Oh, I'm so sorry :(. I feel like such an impatient person I can't imagine running into the delay you have, it would make me feel like it was going to be an ETERNITY before my baby come home. Hopefully you can get your "birdie fix" coming to our forum and reading and making toys ... or something while you wait for your baby to be old enough to come home!!!

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