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Visual sexing your grey?


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Hi all,

I found this article which I find it very interesting.


I always called Lilo a he or "good boy" but I actually never had his feather DNA tested.


It doesn't matter to me he is a boy or a girl, but by the information from the article, Lilo might be a Girl!!

Can everyone please look at your grey right now and let me know if article is accurate? (There is one mentioned from the link where you can tell by looking at their tail and another one where you can tell by looking at their eyes)

It will be interesting to find out and fun to know if we can really visual sexing greys!

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DNA is the only way of sexing your grey. The tail, eye and head shapes can only be a "guess" at best. I have seen males with grey tips on the tail and females without them. We had a baby grey we DNA'd and all the girls thought it was a girl and sure enough it was a boy. Elmo, my grey, however is a typical little girl...403 grams, small head, and grey tips.

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