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Painful broken feather


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Whisper has broken a feather that is kind of hanging there. It is very painful for her and she yelps when she moves. It only bothers her when the feather gets ruffled out of place and is dangling out of place.


When it goes back in place she is ok. No bleeding so far. I believe it is one of her new feathers that recently came in.


It was near bedtime so I put her in her cage and covered her up so she would not move around very much and get it out of place again. I am worried about tomorrow while I am at work. If I am able to go to work. We are in the middle of a terrible ice storm right now and the roads are treacherous.


The power was out for a little while earlier but is back on. I was so worried about how I would keep my birds warm and where I would take them if it did not come back on.


I have some quick stop on hand if it bleeds. I have toweled her before to trim her nails but I am not sure how to towel her and still get at the wing if I needed to put some quick stop on it.


Do you guys have any further advice or words of wisdom about the feather. I will call the vet in the morning.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/01/28 03:00

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I would just leave it alone if it is not bleeding and Whisper will take care of it in her good time, this happens frequently and it is best to let them pull or chew it off to get rid of it as it will never stay in it's rightful place now.


We here in Virginia have only had rain today and just a little freezing on the trees but it may cause some problems tonight but will just have to see. I hate it when the power goes off but I wouldn't worry about the house being a little cold if it does go off again as they can handle it cooler for a short period of time.


I hope she gets it out no problem but do not hesitate to call the vet tomorrow if you do have questions and let us know what happens in any case.

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Thanks Judy. Will the feather continue to be painful for her until she gets rid of it. I can't stand for her to be in pain.


It happened when she slipped off my shoulder. She was screaming and acting crazy but I could not see the feather then and did not know what was the matter.


I held her out if front of me and said and said what is the matter sweetie. Then she did the most amazing thing. She looked at me and in the most pitiful voice she said " I need a scratch". I ask her all the time "do you want a scratch" and that is what she says back but I swear I have never used the words "I NEED a scratch" but that is exactly what she said very clearly.

But of course nobody but a grey owner would believe that she spoke a sentence that she has never heard before.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/01/28 03:22

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I believe you, it does not surprise me in the least, people don't give them enough credit but they are very smart and intuitive.


I don't know whether it is that it is painful for her or just that it is out of place that bothers her about the feather but I wouldn't think she is in any real pain with the feather. You could pull it out yourself but that might be painful for her especially if you have never done that before, you might cause her pain in trying to remove it but my guess is she will have it taken care of by morning so let us know tomorrow if I am right or not.

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Hi hi,


I've been through similar dramas with my baby - if it's not bleeding don't worry! She'll sort it out on her own. If you try to trim it or pull it out, that will just stress her out more.


Also, you mentioned you have quick stop incase it bleeds - rather avoid that because it is toxic to birds, and use flour, or corn starch to assist clotting if necessary.


And - I totally believe she said I NEED a scratch! She may have heard the word need in another context and understood it :)


My sister was here for a few weeks on holiday, and she left yesterday morning. In the evening my grey called for her, and i told her she's gone - so she replied "where?" !! So I told her - back to Australia! Heheh... they are very clever little buggers (and sometimes coincidence may help too - but I'm not sure about that!).


Let us know what eventually happens with the offending feather.



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Thanks mas. Not sure about the quick stop being toxic as my avian vet recommended it. I got her out of the cage for a little bit this morning before I leave for work. No sign of it but like I said it does not bother her when it is in place under her wing.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/01/28 12:38

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Well she has still not taken care of it and is still squawking whenever she moves in a way that moves that feather. It is a large feather in her wings.


I wish she would just go ahead a take care of it as it is making me a nervous wreck.:laugh:

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Tobie's done that too. If it's broken higher up next to the wing it sometimes helps if you cut the feather short until the bird can take care of it. I just cut the part that is feathered out(if it's a pin)and out of the sheith and beyond the protection of the wing so it won't bump things when it hangs down. Tobie had a really bad one and he just kept sqwaking when it touched any thing. Don't cut it too short or it might bleed. Tobie's fine with being covered with a throw or towel and that's what I did and he didn't even know I trimmed it.<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/01/28 21:31

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I know you are relieved that is over and done with, it is nerve racking to see them in distress over a feather out of place but it happens and they usually take care of it in their own time but she could have spared you some stress and done it a lot sooner, now get back to having fun with her.;) B)

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