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Please tell me if any of you have experienced allergies as a result of owning greys. I have never been one to have allergies to anything that I'm aware of, however I have noticed for some time now that I'm a bit hoarse. I noticed Sunday when I came home from my bird club meeting where I had petted a moluccan cockatoo & been around many greys & cockatoos that I was especially hoarse. It was better after I'd been home for awhile but it's never totally gone. I feel fine, but wonder why this is happening.

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I have never had an issue with allergy due to birds dander.


It is possible your having some type of reaction in your throat due to it. If it happens every time your at a bird gathering, it is probably linked to Dander. There would certainly be a lot floating around with several birds there fluffing up and creating an airbourne cloud of it.

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One of the girls that I work with has allergies and asthma and when he is around the cockatoos too much she will start to loose her voice and need to use her inhailer. She just trys to limit her contact with the cockatoos to keep herself from getting bad.

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It's impossible to limit my exposure to Nikki because she is with me all day long & she loves to be on my shoulder! She's very sweet & wants my attention. Maybe if this is what the problem is I can find some way to deal with it. I'm very surprised this is happening because I've never experienced any type of allergic reaction before. I've attended bird shows regularly for the past 2 years & never noticed a thing. I guess living day to day with bird dander could be to much. Korkie my green cheek doesn't have dander, she has her oil gland she preens with. DARN DARN DARN!!!!!!!!!! Love my baby!!!!!!!

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Just a couple of thoughts that might help you Niki.


1. Bath/Mist Nikki more often.

2. Get an air filter/humidifier it will help if the room is fairly closed off.

3. Mist the cage bottom with water before you remove the tray to keep dander from flying around as you walk with it.

4. Make sure you have a vacuum cleaner with a Hepa filter so you are not blowing fine dust into your atmosphere when vacuuming.

5. Give Nikki to Me ;-) :P

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I've had Tobie a year and a half and I was prone to seasonal allegies anyway. After Tobie came I developed a sinus/ear problem and wet cough. It hung around for several months. I worried that I was alergic to Tobie, but wasn't about to give him up. I had problems last winter and through the summer. Went to the Dr. after a month or so of deafness in my ear. He agreed it was probebly allergy related, but didn't know if it was parrot dander or something else. After some weeks of treatment ending with prednisone everything seemed better and my hearing came back. It's been three months now and no more problems and I'm not taking allergy medicine. Guess it wasn't Tobie or I got used to his dander. I have an air purifyer that I use by his cage and I dust alot. Tobie sits on my shoulder and preens but at least for now it doesn't bother me anymore.<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/01/28 01:48

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Well I'm very happy to read this last post, and I'm very happy for you Janfromboone that things are working out. Today I left my house at 2 & after being gone for 1/2 an hour noticed that I was breathing better. It continued to improve all the time I was gone, I just got in & it's 9PM & I'm not hoarse. I'm going to keep taking notice of when I feel the worst & when I feel better. I have a hepa filter vacuum, I could probably get an air purifier. I bath her about 3 times a week, I guess I can do that more. Do you think she used to be such a baby that the dander didn't bother me but now that she's getting older I'm noticing it more? I know hubby was never allergic to kittens but he is to grown cats. My son was ok with puppies but not dogs. Maybe it's the same thing.

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Yeah, going to have myself muscle tested with Nikki in 3 weeks, we already tried this at home & I flunked. Will keep track as you said. Going out in the rain this morning so I should be fine till I get home ...lol Nikki is enjoying scrambled eggs & leftovers from my meal at a restaurant last night. She's got it good!

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LOL Nikki!! :-)


It's good to hear Janfromboone had a similar experience and it did not turn out to be an allergy to her Grey.


I do hope it is something different in your house causing the allergy, rather than your Grey. It could be something else in your house causing this also, since we all keep our houses closed up pretty well in the winter and everything becomes magnified and concentrated.


Please keep us informed of how this progresses and what you find. :-)

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It can't be to bad because after being away from her a long time yesterday & much of today I am not hoarse. However since I've been home about 4 hours now & have been playing with her, walking around with her on my shoulder & all that other fun stuff, I am getting a bit of a dry cough & scratchy. I think more fresh air will help & I may see about an air purifier. Allergy medicine doesn't sound like something I want to do, but I do see a nutritionist who probably will know what herbal products could help. She's such a sweet heart all I want to do is give her kisses.:kiss:

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