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I m expecting!!


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Hi all,


I m pregnant! 4 months to be exact! (thank you thank you :)) I m excited and nervous at the sametime. I don't know how Lilo is going to react to the newborn baby. I m just wondering if there is anyway I can prepare lilo for the newborn baby.


I m also thinking about getting another bird. Since I m not working anymore I have plently of time to spend with the new bird. Also I was thinking it would be better for lilo since once the baby is born I will not have as much time for him for the first few months...AT least with the new bird, Lilo can hang out in the "bird room" with the new bird and not alone.


I guess what I m asking is, what can I do to prepare lilo for the baby and is it a good idea to get another bird? any suggestion is welcome, thanks!

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Well first of all CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :-)


Boy, that's a tough one, hmmmmm I can't think of what I did to solve that problem when I became pregnant...Oh wait, I'm a Man. ;-)


I really do not have any experience with this. But, other s may. I can only think of showing Lilo the growing belly and say baby is coming. Let him see the baby move if you have chances. Act happy and excited etc. That may atleast start some type of mental activity on Lilo's part that something is going on and he will perhaps start trying to figure out what that "Something" is.


In regards getting a second bird. That could be good or it could backfire. The god part MAY by someone else to have fun with OR it could be an enemy trying take time from you that has already diminished.


This is a tough one and no outcome is guaranteed either way you go.


Others will have plenty more good thoughts too :-)

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Congratulations!!! I just went through the same thing.


I started out by talking about the baby with my grey. I also talked about all the names I was thinking about for the baby. After the baby's room was set up I took Taco into the room and let him perch on the crib, check out the toys and I sang the songs that I now sing to the baby.


Taco has taken everything in stride. I just have to remember that I can't hold Taco and the baby at the same time. Taco will bite me if I am on the phone or holding the baby.


If you think you can handle the extra cleaning and care of another bird I think it would be a good idea. Please keep in mind that no matter how much energy you may think you'll have after the birth, you wont:P


Good luck, everything will be fine in the long run.

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In regards getting a second bird. That could be good or it could backfire. The good part MAY by someone else to have fun with OR it could be an enemy trying take time from you that has already diminished.

I know Dan, I m worry about that too. I have observed Lilo meeting new "friends" animal, people or toys. He rarely gets aggressive, or acts like he hates the new friend. The most I have seen him doing is just getting very curious and wanted to fly on them right away and that uausally scared the crap out of the guests. Or soemtimes he would fluff up for a new toy but would have no problem with it after a day or 2.

I was wondering if is a good idea to bring Lilo to bird shops so he can meet or he even pick out his own possible future bird friend or "borrow" the new bird for a few days to see if they get along.


Birdgirl, thank you for the advice, Congrats to your newborn baby! I've noticed that you have 2 birds, did you have them both before the birth of your baby? do they get along with each other? Can you briefly tell me your daily routine with your baby, birds and dog? lol thanks

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Congrats Eve on your new addition to your family and so glad you are not discussing getting rid of the birds as some think that babies and birds do not mix but they can co exist in the same household, its all in how you handle it.


I think you will do fine especially if you follow Birdgirl's suggestions and you may start cutting back on the amount of attention that Lilo gets so when the baby does come it won't be a complete shock when she gets less because the baby demands more.


I would be leery of taking Lilo where she will meet or be in contact with other birds as you never know what diseases or infections they may carry and you don't want Lilo catching any thing like that.

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Congrats on the upcoming baby!!!


Everyone has given good advise on ways to get him ready for the new addition to the human family.


I would say that taking him to "pick out" a new friend wouldn't be a gret idea though. With all the activity going on in the store you bird will not behave in the same way he would in your home. Also, all the pet stores around here have a "bird sales final" policy...once it's out the door you cannot return it. That is because so much can happen to a bird that could cause it's dealth in just hours...like flying into a window causing an untreatable infection in the spine...or catching a disease from any birds the people may have in their home.

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Congrats Uncle Lilo: I'm sure you'll take your duties well as the entertainer and perpetual visual toy of the new baby. You are on the way, let Lilo see and experience the changes as they develope and when arrival time comes, keep him at a distance but let him see all there is to see.

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Congratulations! You must be so excited! I don't have experience with this as I have no children but here's my two cents worth anyway! Adding another bird to your household can be a very stressful situation for your current bird. It is possible that Lilo will love the new bird and develop a great relationship with it- but it's also possible that Lilo will never like the new bird and will resent having to share your affection with it. Your time with Lilo will already be lessened as you have to care for the new baby. Focus the time you do have for him on him- try to give him some special one-on-one time every day even after the new arrival. This is just my opinion- I hope Lilo will continue to be a big part of your life and can happily coexist with the new baby.

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Congratulations on your new baby! I don't know if adding another bird is the right choice, it will be more work for you also and two birds to find time for not just one. If you choose to add another bird, I would do it before the baby comes so they can get use to each other. Personally, I think you could give Lilo quality time. In the first months your baby will do a lot of sleeping. That time is time for Lilo to be out of his cage. In your place, I would see how I could adjust my time and Lilos so Lilo has quality time. Again, congratulations on your new baby. My son just told me a few days ago that he and his wife are expecting his first baby so I know how excited you must be about your coming little one.

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CONGRATULATIONS. Thats wonderful news,you must be over the moon.

I think getting another bird could go either way.I would not take your bird round bird shops because of the risk of disease.I wish you joy and happines with the new baby when he/she arrives.

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Lilosmom, I got my Pionus the day before my sons due date. She was a rescue not tame and being kept in a parakeet cage. I thought the situation would be ideal. She would be able to keep Taco company while not taking away from my time with the baby or Taco.

Pepper Ann might just be a foster but she will most likely stay.


My routine changes day to day but I can give you a general idea.


My husband takes the dogs out before he leaves for work at 5:45am.


In the morning @ about 7 Chase wakes up and nurses then goes back to sleep. I get an hour to do what I need to including hang with the birds.

Chase wakes up and we head off to work.


My husband comes home at lunch and lets the dogs out.


I get back from work at 4:45 and we make dinner watch a little TV let the dogs out and bring the birds to the living room.


My husband goes to bed with chase at about 8:30-9:00pm and I get an hour or two to myself. I change food and water and clean the house a little.


The birds and I go to bed at about 10-10:30


My cages get the bedding changed only about twice a week right now:unsure: and cleaned about once every month and a half. But they are happy and I am not over whelmed so for us right now it works.


I hope this helps a little.


BTW my birds cage doors are never shut.<br><br>Post edited by: birdgirl, at: 2009/01/28 00:57

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Thank you thank you for all your great advices and warm wishs!


Right now With Lilo, he is out of his cage pretty much all day, he flies from room to room, and either stays with me or hubby. The only time we put him in the cage and he is alone is when we are out. (Usually every other day 3-5 hrs for errands or dinner) He gets to do and go where ever he wants in the house. Maybe we should start limit him to some rooms only instead of the entire house, and maybe give him some time by himself even when we are at home. This way when the baby comes, we might be busy in the other room and he will get more used to it.


About getting another bird, my plan is def. to get it before the baby is born. Right now I have another 4-5 months to devote all my time to Lilo and the new bird and give them some times to bond with each other. But I understand the responsibilities for another addition; I will do more thinking and research about it.

Thank everyone again, I knew I can always find some good advices and support from this forum!<br><br>Post edited by: LilosMom, at: 2009/01/28 02:41

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