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Greetings from the south.


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Hello, I just came across this site while looking for a grey breeder.


I have been in love with african greys for the last 11 years and have read and researched since then. One of my best memories was attending a lecture given by Dr. Pepperberg!


I own a TAG, Taco, who will be turning 8 this year. I adopted him almost 6 years ago from an older couple who just couldn't take care of him any more.


I also have a 3 year old untame Maximillian Pionus her name is Pepper Ann Pi. I rescued her in November.


I will be adding a Congo grey to my flock this fall. If any one knows of a breeder that sells the very light colored greys, some times called "cameroon", please let me know.


I can't wait to get to know some of you and explore this site.

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Welcome Birdgirl and Taco!!!


I would love to attend a lecture by Dr. Pepperberg...I can see why that would be a great memory!


I can't help you on the breeder...I don't know much about "Camaroon" Greys as I've only recently heard the term.


If you have pictures of Taco (and Pepper Ann Pi), please post them. We LOVE pictures!!! :-)



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Hello Birdgirl and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your flock.


The term "camaroon" refers to a part of Africa where some greys come from but the Cag is a lighter shade of gray than the Tag with a black beak.


Your pionus is untame when you rescued it, are you able to handle her now? I think they are beautiful birds and would love to see a picture of her.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Feel free to post some pictures of your flock if you have some you would share with us as we would love to see them.

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Nice to meet you both.


I know that "Cameroon" is not a separate sub species however I also know that it is a term used to describe the larger lighter birds. I was hoping that some one would see the term know what I was referring to and lead me in the right direction.


I can not handle my Pionus yet. I've only had her two months and had a baby 3 days after I brought her home.:whistle: I have been working with her and she is getting better about taking food and I've even started doing step ups on to a perch. She has a deformed foot and is having a very hard time stepping up onto the perch so it is going really slow.


I have had Taco a long time and hope to have him for many, many more years:lol:

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Hello Birdgirl,


Yes, the CAGs from the Cameroon region are a larger sized family, as you indicate. Though it is not a separate species, it is a family that is larger. Much like human families that run Tall, big boned etc., yet are still the same species.


You will need to contact breeders directly and ask regarding the coloring and weight of the breeding pair. If they are running 500 + grams, the chick s will also be larger CAG's.


We do have a breeder in this forum that has such larger Greys named Dave007. I am not certain where you live, but maybe he will chime in or contact you via PM. :-)

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