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Spencer is finally home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Spencer is FINALLY home!! We got him on the 14th. The whole idea of keeping him at the at The Bird Shoppe was so that he wouldn't have to come to a new home, then go to my Cousin's while we went to Wisconsin for Christmas.


On the 16th Dotty's (my girlfriend) Brother in Law passed away unexpectedly, so we had to go back to WI on the 19th. So, Spencer had to go with the other FIDs to my Cousin's. We got back last night, and got the kids back this afternoon. I hope that he isn't stressed out.


When he's on his cage, he won't step up unless he's on his log. I'm not sure why this is as there was no log on his cage at The Bird Shoppe, and he was handled a lot there.


We're working with him on the no shoulder thing. It was going well before he went to my Cousin's. We think she allowed him on her shoulder. He is also a little flighty...I think that will go away the more he gets used to us, won't it?


I'll get some pics soon...



Ralph<br><br>Post edited by: oppie, at: 2009/01/26 04:29

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Welcome back Ralph, we missed you but glad to hear that Oppie is home now and I would imagine he will settle in pretty soon.


If you don't want him up on your shoulder then you are going to have to keep him from going up there and you do that by using the other arm to stop him and keep alternating with the other hand until he gets the message, it may take a while but he will learn.


I look forward to seeing some more pictures of Oppie when you can get around to sharing some with us.

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Hi, Judygram,


I'm Oppie, our TAG is Spencer LOL.


I can't use my other arm to head him off at the pass, as it doesn't go over that far. All I can do is call Dotty to get him off of my shoulder as soon as he gets up there. When he's on Dotty, he flies up to her shoulder. He is clipped.



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Hiya Ralph.I am sorry about your bad news.

I am sure Spencer will settle down, he has had a busy few weeks.Just take things slow with him and go at his pace. Offer him treats by hand and talk to him lots.I am sure in no time he will be right at home.I know its been a long wait for you but it is worth it.

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Congratulations Ralph on having your new baby grey at home!!


Sorry to hear about your brother in-law.


It will take a little time to get your new baby settled in and comfortable. But it will happen. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those photos.

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Thank you for your condolences.


Spencer made some noises this evening! Right now he's a very quiet bird. He knows where his bed is (he sleeps in a carrier in our bedroom)! I tried to hold him tonight, and he flew in to the hallway, which you take to get to the bedroom! Dotty put him back on my hand (he won't sit on my lap, which means I really can't pet him. I have good use of only one arm/hand.), and I took him to the bedroom. He let me hold him a few minutes, then we put him to bed :)


We gave him a Goof Ball (seed wrapped in rawhide) today, and he had a ball with it! :laugh:


I'm always talking to him, and I sit by his cage all the time. I hope he'll get out of being so flighty. I think he's confused with being here 4 days, going to my cousin's for a week, then coming back here.


Here are some pics!















Ralph<br><br>Post edited by: oppie, at: 2009/01/28 06:54

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What a pretty baby! Congratulations to you on getting him home. I'm sure he gives you a lot of companionship. Timnehs can have a lot of energy, let him play and flap around when you let him out of the cage- once he gets some exercise he should settle down a bit. Have fun with your new friend.

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He had just gotten finished eating pomegranate when we took the pictures :woohoo:


He will sit on my hand, but not on my lap, which means I can't pet him :( In a few days, I'm going to try putting a treat on my lap and see if he'll get on to eat the treat. Any other ideas? When being held, he stays as long as he's being petted.




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To let the bird on your shoulder or not is a personal choice and one that you have to make for yourself. Mine lives on my shoulder but I trust her completely and it is easy to scratch her by reaching up with my hand of the shoulder she is sitting on. I can scratch and surf the internet at the same time.:laugh: Just something to think about.


Sounds like he is a little too flighty for that right now.

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Thank you, She!


Spencer doesn't fly into anything. We had a good day today :) Dotty was sitting at her computer desk, and Spencer flew to her shoulder out of the blue!!!!!!!! We are trying to make shoulders off limits, so I went to get him, and he got right on my hand! He stayed there for about 20 minutes before flying back to his cage!!!! Before we put him to bed, he stayed on my hand for about 15 minutes before I put him to bed. Hopefully we are making progress...



Ralph<br><br>Post edited by: oppie, at: 2009/01/30 05:10

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Yes, they can be quite high energy at this young age. Plus he just learned how to fly not too long ago and is eager to check out the world around him. As he ages he'll settle down a bit, but I think TAGs tend to me a bit more active than CAGs overall. Sounds like you are doing great with him though. :)

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Neither Dotty nor I can hold Spencer in the living room because he always flies back to the top of his cage. We take him in the bedroom to hold him. I was bribing him to stay on my lap with Nutriberries (in the bedroom), but he's tired of them now. In the bedroom, he'll sit on my headrest, that's better than not being with me at all. How can we hold him in the living room? He is almost 5 months old.





Ralph<br><br>Post edited by: oppie, at: 2009/02/07 08:02

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Hi Ralph,


He has only been there around 11 days, which isn't long.


Right now there are many dynamics going on in your much loved Spencer's mind. He's fledging (Big Fun!!), exploring a new home with tons of stuff that gets his attention and curiosity going that tells him to go and explore, rather than sit with you.


It is not normal for a bird to just want to sit and get pet for long periods, especially during the day when they have tons of energy. The cage is also his home base it seems and spies out the land from it to see what else he wishes to check out.


As the day wears on and turns to evening. Your Grey will be tired and that is the time they MAY wish to just sit on your hand, lap or shoulder and receive some head scratches and just start preening and settling in for a good nights rest.


All you describe is completely normal. Enjoy his antics and flying aerobatic skills as they build each day. You will of course need to go retrieve him from the off-limit places he may fly. ;-)


Looking forward to hearing how all this progresses and seeing more of the photos you may have captured by now. :-)

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Dan is right, greys do need time to settle in and feel comfortable and they are usually more receptive to being held on your lap late in the evenings when they are tired and right before bed.


Continue to do what you are doing and with some time he will want to be around you more but he has to check out his new digs and he feels safer in his cage right now so that is why he flies back to it.


I know we will hear more of his progress from you and look forward to seeing more pictures too.

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Thanks for the advice! We'll see what the future holds!


PrettyPax, we live in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Bird Shoppe is in Fairfield, Ohio, which is about a half hour away. They honestly care about their birds, and know their stuff!


Dotty's family lives in WI, so we are there from time to time! Her Mom and youngest son live in Janesville.


Ralph<br><br>Post edited by: oppie, at: 2009/02/08 01:30

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  • 2 weeks later...



Spencer and I are slowly getting closer, and he let me do something that he hasn't 'till now! When he is sitting in the doorway of his cage, he'll go to the back of it when I extend my hand to him. Today, I was a little farther from the cage and extended my hand to him, and he stayed there!!!!!!!! I even touched his beak! He even took my finger into his beak without biting it!!!! Usually, when my finger gets close to his beak while holding him, I get bit!


His cage is still his safe spot, but he's settling in!



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