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New baby owner :-)


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Wanted to say hello to everyone we are now through our first week with our new family member - Pogo... he already has so much personality and has been welcoming to our visitors - we feel very fortunately to have such a lovey four month old.


I wanted to thank everyone at the site for the content here as we have been very busy researching on the best way to raise our new one and have found great information on your site.


I am looking forward to keeping in touch with many of you and sharing my fun as I learn to grow with my new (he/she/pogo) we get our dna results later this week.


TTFN will see you all later

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Hello TC2 and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Pogo.


Is this your first grey, first parrot? It sounds like he/she is getting well socialized and that is great as greys tend to be more attached to one or two people.


You have come to the right place looking for great information and we have a wonderful bunch of knowledgeable members who are willing to spend their time here helping one another with their problems. We also do a lot of chatting and getting to know one another and you will make some new friends who share the same passion for their greys as you do.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I see Pogo in your avatar but if you have some other pictures of him/her you would share with us we would love to see them.

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This is my first Parrot we have been looking for over a year - we finally jumped in and although a little pensive due to the complexity related in the articles - we already are having so much fun... PS. Pogo is a brilliant Congo.. :)

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Welcome TC and Pogo!


Books and such are great but they tend to be "for this xxx, do that xxx". This site is fantastic because with so many people comes so many opinions and options and things that have worked and haven't worked and suggestions...and lots of love for All Things Grey!


Actually, I think this Forum is one of the benefits of having a Grey in the house! :woohoo:


Final word: Don't ever think that any question is too foolish to ask.


See you around here...



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