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Dayo Videos - Sounds and Talking


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I was finally able to capture Dayo vocalizing from a distance from the darkened living room. He shuts up the minute I get a video corder out, if he can see it.


So to hear the words, the volume needs to be a little louder than normal due to the distance. He makes sounds much louder than speech. :pinch:


I also had to spilt the recording into 3 due to the limits of photobucket.


Clip 1 -



Clip 2 -



Clip 3 -


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Thanks Dan for sharing that with us but even with the volume turned all the way up you can barely hear him talking but his chirps and other sounds are loud and clear. I believe a lot of what he was saying was in your voice and a man's voice is lower and therefore it was harder to hear. Maybe sometime in the future you will be able to get a better one of him talking.


Not meaning to rain on your parade, you did the best you could since Dayo doesn't like to perform before a camera. Maybe you can hide a microphone nearby so you can capture his words and phrases.;) :laugh: :P

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You're grey is adorable.

I love all the little whisels and kissy sounds:kiss:



My quaker is very talk shy in general, recording her is totally out of the question. She is so cute though, and loves MY voice. She repeats everything I say. I think its because I have the highest voice between my dad, brother and mom. She also likes to sing Brit. Spears:woohoo:

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Yes, I need to either get a microphone with a VERY long cord or hide the camera somewhere much closer than 20 feet away. Sorry, his voice sounded much louder as I was taping it. After I posted the videos, I went and listen. You definitely can not hear his talking at all.


Dayo is 100% back to himself now. He has been going through a pretty big molt and looks pretty scruffy I think compared to normal. Plus the many tail feathers pulled out by the dogs didn't help either.


I catch him him........ one of these days even if I have to hide the Camera and turn it on remotely. :evil:

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I like the way this vid starts. As if he slowly getting out of the 'curtains' (on a stage) and hesitantly starts his performance :D


Thank you Dan, I had an enjoyable time watching your sweetheart ;)

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Great idea Acapella!! Ive got a tripod and now maybe I can desensitize Dayo to the camera by using your idea. :-)


Karma to You!!


Also, thanks to all the others for you kind comments. Next time the words will be hearable. ;-)

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