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aviator harness!

Guest briansmum

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abula-similar to how I do it. He sees it coming but I've already conditioned him to alow me to hold his beak with my right index finger and thumb and stroke him with the left hand on the head. I do this several times while counting to 4 like on the tape. Then I start again - take the beak with the harness on the right hand and thumb and index through the neck strap. 1-2-3-4 while stroking I pull the neck strap over the head. He stays calm through the whole process.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tattletale absolutely HATED his flight suit! He bit the hell out of me while I was putting it on him and then chewed the velcro off. He's four years old and I've only had him for about six months. Maybe if that had been attempted when he was a baby, it would have been an easier adjustment. So, no flight suit/bird diaper for him. LOL!

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  • 10 months later...

I am on my 2nd harness . Houdini and I have an Aviator Harness. I left his old one on top of his cage and well enough said he used it as a chew toy...LOL

I just got my second one and we have been working on touching all winter long. he did very well with putting it on , but the taking off part wellll lets just it could have been much better.

He was a little upset with me for the rest of the day but by morning we were buddies again thank goodness...lol

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I am inspired by the success others have had with the aviator harness. I have the harness. I have the parrot. I am working on trust with a relatively new guy, but I am inspired to start now with getting him adjusted to seeing the harness and working with the video. He isn't flighted yet, so this may be the right opportunity to start with the conditioning. It will be well worth the security later to be able to take him out and know he is safe. Thanks for all your input, it really helps to know how some things work and some don't for individual birds and their people.

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  • 1 month later...

Glad to hear how much some of you like the Aviator Harness. I just ordered one from AvianWeb. It was considerably less expensive than many places. I can't wait to get it and try it with Gemma! She's young (nearly 9 months) and I feel like this will be a good time to introduce her to it and let her start spreading her wings and explore new territory (pun intended).

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So glad you are happy with yours. I just ordered one a couple days ago and can't want to try it with Gemma! She's nearly 9 months old and curious, energetic and I believe she'll like going outside with me. I'm new to this forum so don't know if other can see this reply, but someone asked where you got yours. I ordered mine from AvianWeb and the price was considerably lower than I've seen in other places. http://www.avianweb.com It comes with the instructional DVD. I received a very quick confirmation email when I ordered, and it was shipped the next day, and I received a confirmation email for that with a tracking number. Can't wait to try it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've started looking for everything I'd like to buy for my Grey and one of the things is a flight suit/diaper. Problem is I can't find a single website that sell them here in the UK. I guess I'll have to buy from the US. Anyone recommend a good website with good flight suits?? Thanks.

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I've started looking for everything I'd like to buy for my Grey and one of the things is a flight suit/diaper. Problem is I can't find a single website that sell them here in the UK. I guess I'll have to buy from the US. Anyone recommend a good website with good flight suits?? Thanks.


Why would you wanna put diapers on your bird?


By the way, the name of this item is a contradiction of words

the item has nothing to do with any type of flying or flight. Nothing can be put on or in it for a bird to fly or control flying.


BUT---if you really desire to get one of these items but can't find it anywhere, simply get an old sock. A sock works on the same principle.


Take an old clean sock that's a bit firm.cut a slice into either side of the sock. This is to let the wings out. Go the bottom of the sock and about 2 inches from the bottom, cut a slice from left to right ( about 1 1/2 inches) This is to let the tail out. The bottom 2 inches of the sock will be a loose pocket with nothing in it. That's the area the bird can sh*it in.

Oh,forgot to say this---any color sock can be used to add style.

Edited by Dave007
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haha Nice one indeed. Thanks for the advice. :P I don't actually want the diaper (I also don't know why they call it flight suit). But I thought it would be good to have one when I go visit my in laws, in another city, 3h from here. They are not bird people but already said we can take our parrot when we go. However I'm afraid they might get upset if the parrot starts pooping everywhere. As we usually stay there for the weekend, I want them to always allow us to take him with us. Otherwise we'll have to leave him in a hotel or somewhere else everytime we are away and I don't like the idea.

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haha Nice one indeed. Thanks for the advice. :P I don't actually want the diaper (I also don't know why they call it flight suit). But I thought it would be good to have one when I go visit my in laws, in another city, 3h from here. They are not bird people but already said we can take our parrot when we go. However I'm afraid they might get upset if the parrot starts pooping everywhere. As we usually stay there for the weekend, I want them to always allow us to take him with us. Otherwise we'll have to leave him in a hotel or somewhere else everytime we are away and I don't like the idea.


That seems like a legitimate reason to get one especially since your family may get upset.

Since you can't find one, check out Ebay in the UK and go to bird products section. They usually have a large array of items there.


I was serious about the sock. A sock is used by some people who have birds with permanent skin damage all over the body from plucking and chewing. Most of the time that bird/birds will never have a feather on it again so people use the sock to cover the breast, neck, back and vent areas. Usually, it's a permanent thing. Cockatoos are most prone to this. The reason for it is to ward off different infections that can get on and into the skin causing big trouble. A friend of mine has such a bird. The bird is totally naked. So, he's made about 3 of them from socks so that that they'll always be a clean one available for the bird. For the occasional visit somewhere, a sock may help and you can color coordinate it to match the clothing you're wearing that day.


Just remember what they say-----*A sock a day keeps the poopies away.*

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haha I like the saying. I looked on ebay from here already and couldn't find anything. Found only one on ebay from the US. :( So I guess I might have to use socks. Do you think you could get me a photo of your friend's bird? Please! Just so I can have a better idea on how I can use them. Thanks. :)

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  • 2 months later...

I tried all those aviator harnesses and finally discovered that life was easier and quicker and hassle free by buying a small dog leash and attaching it to my birds leg ring and the other end around my wrist. Just put a kitchen towel over your shoulder and add a leather bird "stand" that you buy on ebay. It works like a charm and it's wonderful!

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Most of the time I don't say much concerning all the methods used ( crazy or not) by people to achieve different things concerning their birds. Some methods may or not work but in my eyes, it's best to let the owner find that out. BUT in the post above mine here --*170 , there's a piece of information which has a high rate of injury to parrots of all species and I need to say something important here.


**life was easier and quicker and hassle free by buying a small dog leash and attaching it to my birds leg ring***


Doing such a thing can cause fractures, broken legs, broken feet, broken keel bones and even death. If anybody here is having trouble with any type of harness, simply come here and people will try to give different methods. There's a lot more to deal with concerning a harness, namely, the older age of the bird. An older bird is set in it's ways and may refuse to change it's attitude towards new things. Some people will never be successful with a harness but to revert back to ways of containing a bird isn't the answer. Pay attention to my reply here. A person is playing with fire when using the above method.

Edited by Dave007
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Thanks for the input. I have never even thought of any of those conditions happening. She has never left my shoulder with the exception of exploring my small dog front pack. I have the harness, a good one that doesn't require 1,000 clamps and buttons, etc. She doesn't mind it at all. Her whole goal is to get outside and sing, explore noises, hanging tree leaves....she just has a jolly good time.

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Dejavu, only what I can say is: poor little bird. This may be easier for you, but your bird can lose a leg or even die. Aviator harness is great thing because is comfortable for our birds. I also use small dog leash but only to strech harness. With that extra 5m we have huge radius to fly. 5 circles is enough for him. We learned Capo to be on harness from his first day with us.

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While I value your advice, I was taken aback by your delivery. I know you have only good things to say about Rosa, perhaps you could offer advice in the same venue as Dave007.


RayP and Capo, It is hurtful to start a sentence like this:


"Dejavu, only what I can say is: poor little bird" and "I did not think people still did that any more. Your poor bird."

Yes, I am a novice and that is one of the main reasons that I joined this forum. Please don't treat me this way. I want to do what's right and a friendly helpful one goes down much easier.

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