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very random, maybe?


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Hi all,


Sorry I havent been round in a while but my Papa (dad) had a stroke & heart attack over Thanksgiving, thus creating business in the human world for me. Having said that my dilhema is ... since i have had to travel so much to go home (parents house) and help my mum... my little Booty Goo (born 9-12-07) has bonded with our house mate. She used to regurgitate for me and get all excited when I walked in the room, but since I have been gone so much and she has been in the care of our housemate, Booty Goo seems to fancy our house mate much more than myself or my husband AND has allowed our house mate to do things to her that her mum and dad have never been allowed to do. (booty goo rubs against our housemates face like a cat would for head rubs)


Of course inside I am dying because I wish Booty Goo loved me as much to do all of this, but my main concern is our house mate is leaving on Tuesday and we are not sure when she will return. Our housemate is a british citizen and can not work in our town (of course we tried to adopt her... but we were turned down...:( in any event, I am very very concerned about Booty Goo. She has bonded so much with housemate Julie I am not really sure what to do and to top it off we are plannning on moving out of the area so we are not sure when we will see our housemate again.


Advice is greatly needed. I have no idea what to do. I am worried about Booty Goo missing her Aunt Julie and of course in a way I am so envious that Booty doesnt feel that way about me. I know that comes with the territory I am just a little broken hearted and really concerned... Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you so much,



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Leigh, not having a Grey myself I am the last person who can give you experienced advice but to me it would seem that since you have also been home now Booty Goo would gradually get used to you again and love you more and more (like she changed to getting more attached to your housemate when she had to since you weren't around that much).


Anyway, that's just what I think. Other members (of whom all have Greys) will probably give you better reactions :)


Good luck!

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Hello Leigh,


I am sorry to hear of your Fathers serious illness. I hope it has all worked out ok for all.


In regards your Grey Booty Goo. He will adapt back to you and your Husband being the primary caregivers. The move and all that goes with it will be a new experience for him. But, the important thing is that he will be with those that love and reassure him.


Just treat Booty Goo as you always have and try to discard any fearful emotions you may have concerning the move and his liking of your house mate.

This will all pass with you all intact as a family in your next home and things will settle down.


Just take one day at a time. Thats all you can do. Enjoy Booty Goo once again and do the same things on the same schedules you previously maintained if possible.


Others will chime in too with more thoughts and ideas. :-)

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Leigh, I'm sorry about your Dad and I hope he is better. It was wonderful that Julie was there to help with Booty Goo when you needed her. Now you should just relax, because your grey will sense your anxiety, and go about your loving your grey as before. Booty Goo will come around and probably want those head rubs from you and your husband. If you have any pictures to share we would love to see them. Your avatar is great, it clearly shows the love you have for Booty Goo.

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You all are so awesome. I feel somewhat like a spoiled child. I am however just worried and concerned about our little baby! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOU KIND WORDS REGARDING MY DAD!!!! Things are LOOKING UP!!!! He is scheduled to get out of rehab in 2 weeks:) PRAISE HIM!! Yes, I think Booty Goo has probably sensed alot of my anxiety and such... Thank you again!!! I will post pictures of Booty & Julie (it is so sweet, I feel Booty should purrrr :) Also, we were able to swim with Dolphins today! I dont know if any of you have had the opportunity to, but they are wonderful creatures as well!!!! I highly suggest doing so if you ever have the chance. Much love and good wishes to all and Happy 2009!

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