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DNA Results


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Well, I found out that everything is Fine with the 2 CAG Babies. All results in all test came back Neg. So, I will be taking the One that I Picked. And the Result of the DNA just came in and Mine is a Male & The one Stephie is Getting is a Female. So his Name is Going to be COSMO. They are almost 5 weeks old Now! I visit mine every weekend and spend 1-2 hrs with them.

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I visit the Cosmo everyweekend. And spend at least 1-2 hrs with him. I can't wait till he comes home! I am SOOO Happy that all tests were Neg. And even More Happy that Stephies does not have any Problem from the Pimple on it head!

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Haha, my name has changed to Stephie on here?:laugh:


Thats a great name for the bump, a pimple. :woohoo:


I am leaning towards the name Suki. Tammy, you'll have to get some pictures when you go up. Wish I could head over tomorrow, since Janice will be in my area, but work calls.:(


Anyone going to the bird show in Orlando coming up?

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Congratulations Tammy and Cosmo!!


It's wonderful that he is truly "Ok". If possible, it would be great if you could post weekly photos of your visits in the Nursery room. You know how we love photos and especially those of adorable babies as they grow. :-)

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