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Only 15 more days!


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My baby comes home in 15 days!(I have a countdown on my computer screen:) I am so very excited, it has been such a long wait, first to find a breeder near us, then for a clutch, then to watch them grow up through the pictures the breeder sends! I have been waiting for over a year!

The cage is all set up, my husband is making a play stand this weekend, I have read every article ever written about bringing home a baby, and pretty much everything else about owning a grey. Now all that remains if for us to drive the 7 hours and pick which of the babies we want. Now THAT will be hard, they are all so cute!

I have a few questions left though:

Obviously the trip home with baby will be a little long, does anyone have any recommendations on how to make this as stress free as possible?The breeder is going to give us a dog crate to bring them home in.....


Also, the bird will be 4 1/2 months old and has been fully fledged and they are all confident little fliers. I have read about how clumsy they can be as babies,but is that more before they fledge? I guess what I am getting at is should I lower all the perches in the cage and have a towel on the bottom, or should a fully fledged bird be pretty steady and confident?


I have finally decided on names, Kuzko if it is a boy and Belle for a girl.

Ahhhhh!!!!!! How can I wait 15 whole days!



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Not too long now!! :-)


If all those CAGs are available for choosing, one will probably chose you. Let it happen if it will. :-)


If they are providing you with a dog carrier for transport. I would position it so it is secure enough that you can place a water and food bowl in. Also, a towel for him to get some comfort on if he feels like laying down.


If you can, position him in the back seat where he and you can see each other for comforting assurance.


If they are so well fledged and coordinated as they appear in the photo, there is no need for a low perch or towel in the bottom. Unless the breeder clips them before you take him\her home. Hopefully, they will not clip you bird.


Good luck in finding the bird thats meant for you and have a safe trip!!

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I bought my grey home in a travel cage .We had a 6 1/2 drive and he was fine. We made sure the car was not to hot and that he had food and water. My son sat in the back of the car with him and talked to him .He could also see out of the windows .He travelled well and settled in really quickly once we were home .I hope you have a safe journey home :)

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That is a nice bunch of greys in that picture you shared and I would be tempted to want to bring them all home with me too if I was having to chose one from them. Do see if one will come to you right from the start and if so then that is the one to take.


You will think 15 days will never be over but it will very soon so have a safe journey to get your baby and I can't wait to see some pics when your bring him/her home.

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What pretty babies- however will you make up your mind :whistle: ? They look so happy out together like that too. I don't know how that breeder can handle that many flying babies- I have my hands full with just two fledglings!

I'd say your baby will be just fine without a towel on the bottom of the cage. You may put one perch down kind of low just to give it the option to perch lower if it choses, but most prefer to be up as high as possible. Have fun and let us know how it goes!

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