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watery stool


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I am wondering I notice that when I give Echo fruit in his food even if it is a little bit a couple of small pieces of Apple, Banana which I only gave him one time ever and a small piece, a small piece of orange and not all in the same day he has very watery stools, after a couple of those it does seem to get thicker but I am wondering if it means I should not give him fruit. He does love the fruit.


Also I should mention he has axcess to pellets all day but his normal feeding is a homemade mixture that the breeder gave me the ing. for it is lots of different beans (15 beans) Frozen veg. pasta noodles, dried cranberries which he will not eat and steamed sweet potatoes and squash. I freeze it in bags and give him a plate full every morning. So my question is should I eliminate the fruit all together or is the watery stool normal and just keep giving him the fruit.


I hope this makes sense.

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The fruit is fine and the resultant watery stools afterwards are normal. Fruit is a natural part of there complete diet. Vegetables will also give a little watery stools also due to the water content. If you think about it, it is the pellets being 100% dry not being "natural" and why you may observe your Grey at times dunking them in water.

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Thank you, I knew fruit was supposed to be good for him and he does love it, I just wasn't sure if he was having a bad reaction, so we will keep up with the fruit. I read a lot of your posts Dan and love the knowledge you bring to the forum for us new bird owners.

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As Dan said, fruit and other items will cause very soft stools. Beans mixed in with pellets will cause soft stool. Fruit will cause a bird to have large amounts of urine come out during the day. Basically, it looks like pure unclored water. Normally, that would indicate an internal problem but obviously it's the items you're feeding. And one other thing---fruit isn't as great for a bird as you may think. Once or twice a week is plenty and only small amonts should be given. Fruit has a natural acid in it and a bird who eats too much of it will have very loose stools an the value of that fruit will decrease and will simply run out of the rear end. Replace the large amount of fruits with vegetables. Lay off the large amont of beans. Once a week is fine. A bird can't process all of these foods quickly and so, it simply comes out of the rear end. Kerplunk.

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