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your greys name and what made you pick it?


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I named my little guy Benjamin.


I named him after Benjamin Franklin, as I got him right before Independence Day (my favorite holiday) and since Franklin was so intelligent.


His previous name was Idiot. :huh: There was no way I was going to keep that name.

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Meshewa, who in their right mind would name an african grey parrot, Idiot, must have been an idiot who did that, probably thought it was funny. Some people are a few bricks short of a load, if you get my drift.

I like the name you picked, Benjamin, will you shorten it to Benji maybe?:)

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danmcq wrote:

We named our baby grey "Dayo", which is an African dialect that means "Joy Arrives".


Our theory was that since his origins are from Africa, we should find an appropriate name in one of it's languages that fits :-)


Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/12 16:48<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/12 16:50


Wow!! My First post... ;) lol Ok... Here Goes... I ALSO tried looking for an African Name, but the one I liked meant "feather" on one site and "fleeting deer" on another, so I couldn't trust that it was the "right" name for her...


A little background on Me and My Grey... I work in a Pet Store... We specialize in handfed baby birds (of all sizes)... Before anyone gets mad about us selling babies before they are completely weaned, just let me say this... We don't sell a baby unless we personally show them HOW to handfeed, make sure they are comfortable doing it and are always there for support OR we offer to keep the baby til they are weaned or are comfortable caring for the baby...Most people wait til the baby is down to once a day feeding or are just weaned... Ok... Now, I step OFF my Soapbox ;) lol


Anywho... back to My Grey... She was one of our Handfed Babies... One of my co-workers ended up buying her and after having her for a few months, she ended up having breathing problems and her dr told her that she had developed an allergy to her birds (2 cockatoos, orange-winged Amazon, Grey, Meyers Parrot, and a Dusky Conure) and had to get rid of them... Well, long story, longer... She knew I loved the baby Grey, so offered to sell her to me for a bargain... Of course, I couldn't refuse... Well, she called her "Sweet Pea" as she hadn't been sexed yet... So, on the day I took her home, she was sexed and we found out it was a Girl!!


I looked up name after name and couldn't think of anything to call her aside from "Baby Grey" lol Well, One of my Favorite TV Shows "Crossing Jordan" Had it's Series Finale and I was Bummed... Well, My Mom mademention... Why Don't you name Baby, Jordan as in Jordan Cavanaugh the main character... Well, I went online and Found an alternative to Jordan... Add and "E" and make it French!! ;) lol So, that is how "Jordane's Name" Came to be...


Enjoy the Day!!

Take Care,

Lady Gwennivere

P.S. Sorry Bout the Ramble... Can't help it most of the time :P

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Lady Gwennivere, welcome here :) I'm happy you joined us.


Don't worry about the ramble, I loved it. Jordane is a nice name I think. How long did it take her to get used to it (since she had different names called at her before, as you wrote)?


"Baby Grey" reminds me of Rod Stewart - "Baby Jane" and brings that song to my head straight away :P

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Lady Gwennivere,




What a great first post and introduction! :-)


Great Name you came up with, after all that research and reasoning!


You will find very quickly that we are a family here that just loves to hear progress reports, see photos and just chat for the sake of it and enjoying each others conversation. :-)


Your co-workers allergy is sad, but it seems destiny had a Grey in the works for you!


I'll look forward to hearing of your adventures!

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FairY and danmcq,


Thank You Both for the Welcome... I've been reading all the Posts in the forums, So Much info on here, so I'm finding the answers to any Questions that might come up... I just love it here!!


In Answer to your question, FairY... She took to the name pretty fast, I think due to the fact she is still Young (She is now 7 months old)... We still call her "Sweety Bird" And "Baby Jordane", so I think she understands Her name is Jordane, but has MANY Nicknames!! lol I must admit... She is Very Smart... and Precocious!! ;) he he


And yes, danmcq, My co-worker's allergy is VERY Sad... She can no longer work at the store because of all the birds there and she loves her "babies" very much... some she had for a very long time... I have been torn by emotions... I am very heartbroken for her, yet very happy that I have Jordane... I have wanted an African Grey since I first heard of them back in Jr. High School (Long Ago)... So, I feel Honored to have her now... And yes, Destiny truly played a part in my getting her...


Enjoy the Day!!

Take Care,

Lady Gwennivere

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Welcome to the family, Lady Gwennivere, and glad you got your grey, even though it was sad for the other girl but hey it was meant to be. I love the name, Jordane, of course I have a granddaughter named Jordan but it does not sound the same.

We already have a wealth of information as you know and we look forward to hearing more stories about Jordane and you.:)

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Thats a great naming story Nevjoe!


Thanks for sharing it!! :-)


How is Hemingway coming a long? I know you must have a ton of stories to tell us since your last post on him :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/18 22:10

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hmmm...I named Richard after my father. I was going to name my second child after him, but he turned out to be a girl. I wanted him to know how much I love him.


I originally considered naming him "Drumstick", but went with a human name 'cause I think human names on animals are cool. I also love seeing the looks on people's faces when I talk about him in public: "Oh! Did I tell you Richard said a few new words today? He hates being locked up. I think I'll let him out to play for a couple of hours before I make him go back in his cage." I'm surprised child and family services hasn't been called yet. LOL! (just kidding)

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I Love it!! You made me laugh this Morning (Quite the feat, considering I'm not a morning person ;) lol) I would love to see people's reactions as well!! I think it's Great we share the same twisted sense of humor!! I should try the same with Jordane ;) We can compare notes!! lol{Feel-good-0002006E}

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Guest briansmum

richardsmommy i have the same thing with brian.. i have had some funny looks also and a lot of people say "who on earth is brian?"

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  • 7 months later...

mommafawkes i thought it was due to guy fawkes who tried to blow up the houses of parliament in england in the (1600s?)(1700s?). ha ha ha silly me i better get caught up on harry potter of which i have read NONE.


my merlin i named because before he came home as i looked at the photos on this site, the birds seemed to be able to see the past, the present and the future. he went into rescue as 'simon' a name i just did not think fit such a fine fellow. then after meeting him we knew we made the right decision in renaming him merlin. merly. merly-man. splatmaster.

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Guest briansmum

mommafawkes, that is a fine name for such a beautiful bird, very well picked, i love it.


and sandra, merlin fits him perfectly. any creature that can come in to your life and change it so much is surely magical, right?

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