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Need some ok's from the experts!


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Hi All!:cheer:


I just purcahsed an 8 week old CAG on Monday. I know it is not recommened for a novice to purchase a hand fed baby but I did and I love this bird to death!!!


Anyway, I just wanted some ok's ("yeah, your doing it right") from thie experts. The breeder said he was 8 weeks old but I am kinda thinking different. I saw on YouTube yesterday, a man with an 8 week old Grey and that bird was not fully feathered where my bird is. We are currently feeding him 4 times a day and he acts like he is never fed! He is also given pellets, seed, fruits and veggies and he loves any kind of nuts!


Is it possilbe to over feed him? We have been feeding him 1 oz about every 4 hours and recently have been giving him another 1/2 oz. He doesn't always take it, but I am afriad of over feeding him. Will they stop when they have had enough?? The other night we gave him his formula and then he sat with my husband and ate a bunch of seeds and nuts. When we put him back in his cage, he laid down and went to sleep. Is that ok for him? He usually stands with his one leg up and sleeps.


I believe we are doing all the right things for him. I just want to make sure. I am ordering a scale today to monitor his weight. Thanks for any help or advice!

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Welcome Mythreeiggys!!


It's GreYt having you here.


To answer your question directly and simply, you can not over feed your Grey. :-)


Babies and even adult Greys lay down if theres a spot they find safe and comfortable. It is more prevelant in the very young, such as your baby Grey. Nothing like a nap after a good full stomach. :-)


Here is a photo of a 9 week old Grey, to give you an idea of full feather coverage:




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Mythreeiggys, I am not so much fussing at you but the breeder you got this baby from, that person should not have sold you an unweaned baby grey and at 8 weeks of age that baby is not weaned. Things can and do go wrong with feeding and taking care of unweaned babies and it is best left to people who know what they are doing.


At the very least you should be in contact with the breeder to make sure you are doing exactly what you should be doing to ensure your baby grows and develops properly.<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2009/01/23 00:34

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