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Ok here is whats gonna happen today,I ll go to the shop,buy the birds,go straight to the vet who will do a general check up plus check for that bacteria in the blood...if there,we returm them and My prayres and yours will be with them..if not...I HAVE TO FIND 2 NAMES!

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Completely different plan...I cancelled everything.My heart is still aching

Not mentally ready to have other babies as of yet!Not that I wont love them as much...just too sad still...Might take a day or two or a year...have no clue

You know i did tire all of you with my confusion and indecision,as well as a close friend here and of course my husband!

So a big thank you and I wont be nagging no more...Ill be reading posts to learn and be ready for my next grey

Also and that might interest you,that lady and I are looking into how to let municipality know about that place

The thing in countries like this,the only thing that might happen is having someone laughing at us...but hey,this place is a massacre place,he has more than 50 budgie in one cage,20 cockatiels in another tiny one...all birds have no more feathers...and as you can guess ppl dont wanna buy them no more so ...and its not only his place,its a whole souk(meaning like a whole 15 shops next to each other all selling birds...

So lets try and c if anything can be done...I highly doubt...If humans have no right...The worst i ve seen is a camel tied to a 4*4 and running after it...yes,this is where I live

love to you all,to your birdies,hugs and kisses...mouahhh


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Hello Kook,


I believe you are making a wise decision to give yourself some time to grieve, some time to consider if you want one or two Greys and some time solidify the plan you already started on with bring your new grey(s) home with a vet visit the first thing to do.


I have seen the way shops over there and in other countries keep critters of all types. It is a completely different thought process and way of life. Namely those critters are just for a monetary gain and viewed as nothing but an animal for use as anyone may desire to use it for such as eating, using as health remedies derived from various body parts etc. There is no humane considerations in force to monitor such sales and treatment. It is a different world over there and not really much one can do to change the way it is presently without working from the top political powers downwards that are humane and consider animal life important and cherished.


You are no bother at all and I would not expect any less emotions than you have displayed along with the mental thought processes that come with that. We have all been there and know how devastating it is.


Please just take care of yourself first and then things will all fall back into place in time.


God Bless you!! :-)

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Kook- I'm so sorry about the loss of your beloved Zeus. It really seems you did all you could for the poor fellow and he was given all the love you had to give. I understand about you not knowing whether to get more birds right away or not. You want to save them from the unhealthy conditions they are in now, but you will face high vet bills and the uncertainty that they will even survive. I think you are wise to give yourself some time...Please know that Zeus is happy now and at peace. I pray you find peace yourself and will someday fill the empty place in your heart.

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Dear Kook -


Please don't think for a minute that you're boring us with your messages!!! For one thing, if people are tired of a thread, they just won't go it anymore. Like me, the others who keep coming back to read your thread care about you and how you're doing and want to be here for you to bounce your thoughts and feelings off of. We are all sympathetic to what you are going through even if we haven't experienced it before.


I have another question for you. Is is possible for you to purchase birds from another place like Dubai and bring them home or are they not allowed into Qatar from another country? Please excuse my ignorance but I'm just trying to think of ways you can possibly get a parrot (or two) and have a better chance of them being healthy.



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Kook, we are here for you. Who better to undestand your grief than other grey lovers. We all love our babies so very much and when one of our members loses a grey we all want to help and be there for each other. So whatever you want to say, need to say, do it here for us to hear and understand and help you get through it!

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Oh my God you brought tears to my eyes this morning...not sad ones ...just amazing how ppl who love greys are just such wonderful ppl...(not talking about me here,hehehe...)

Acapella...no worries about your ignorance,im the same...I have no idea..but I lived in dubai for 7 years,and yes there you could find at least a few decent pet shops...but for the moment,I feel i d be betraying Zeus by having another parrot in his home!

My husband suggested I get love birds...I spent the evening reading about them...seems quiet similar food wise,sleeping wise...etc...so I might give a shot

I read on how to recognize young ones,female or male etc...I really dont care about the talking,all i want as you know is a feather friend...

Might have to purchase a new cage cuz it seems they like wide ones more than high ones...

You know what,I found a shop here that doesn't smell bad!!!!!!!

I so highly complimented the guy.and i am going to recommend him to all ppl who live here and talk about it in a locol website

His price are definitely higher but hey...health first right

In feeding birds out in my garden...I dont know y but it relieves me!

All my love to all of you and a virtual caress to your babies...


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I'm glad coming here is helping you deal with the loss of Zeus. Glad, also, that you found a breeder who seems to take better care of his animals.


Regarding love birds, I have one caution born of experience with a pair we had in the store. Their cry, in my opinion, is especially loud. Mind, I have a chronic pain condition that makes me particularilly sensitive to loud noise (there are days when, as much as I love Dorian, in go the ear plugs!) I just know that I had to ask the friend who owned the store at that time to take the love birds home because I couldn't be in the store with them. I don't know if this was typical for the breed, I'd just encourage you to see if this is mentioned in any of the research you are doing. Maybe other members here have info on love birds, maybe in the 'other birds' forum here.


I'm glad you're finding some comfort feeding the birds that come to your garden. May you feel a little less sadness every day.

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Your hearts are kind and your intentions honorable. Do follow your heart and you seem to me meant to be bird owners. I can not imagine what you have been through and understand your concern for the birds in the store, but you can not save all the bad that exists. Take care of yourselves, heal, but I believe a bird is in your future soon. From all you've said I feel it will help you heal, and don't give up on the greys. My best to you both and there is no such thing as being too over sensitive when it comes to Gods living creatures.

Bruce & Mazy

PS For your own well being do all you can to not put yourselves in a position of going through this again. Find a healthy bird and do all you can to insure this. Good Luck<br><br>Post edited by: MazyAK, at: 2009/01/28 19:34

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oh sweet you...well how am I doing?Not crying anymore,at least not in a way anyone can c

I just told my husband that I fight very hard almost every moment of the day some images,some songs he likes,his fruits and veggies in the fridge...the empty cage etc...I fight to think of something else

So I guess Im getting there...but slowly,too slowly to my taste...

I am very touched by your question...I am sure a lot of pl on this forum have also had a thought for me too....you ppl r the best

thank you

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I'm glad you're still coming back here Kook. IT sounds like everything you're going through is part of a normal grieving process.


I'm very glad you're not jumping into something too quickly and that you're giving yourself permission to feel what is natural for you. You will make the best decision for yourself when the time is right.


I am also thrilled that you found an alternative to that horrible, horrible store. It's difficult because it sometimes makes us want to "rescue" all the poor little ones in the bad places. As you found out the hard way though, often it's just not possible.


Warmest regards out to you. And it sounds like your husband is being pretty supportive in these circumstances. Give him a hug from me too!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Acappella and all.

No need to mention how happily surprised and pleased i am with your email!!!!

well now adays i am much better,i can show kooks pictures and videos without loosing it!i just try not to think of it for too long

But I have a new feeling,I dont wont to have a grey no more(maybe that will change with time)or maybe am i just protecting my self and my feeling...

I thought of buying budgies...but still didnt,its just different!

Also ,I realized that by buying a grey I am actually saving one but also ,I am encouraging the bastard selling them to get another one(that I wont be able to save)...

MAZYAK...I am sorry to tell you but my baby passed away...

you never know what goes thru my birds brain...so if any change,before my own family,grey forum will know !

bless you all,love to u accapella

tender kisses

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