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Is he sick?


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Good morning to all!Pls help me!My baby parrot that I have for just 3 weeks now sleeps too much.Not at the bottom of his cage.On his perch but still he spends MOST of the day sleeping.Well to be more precise : he wakes up with me at seven,has his breakfast(good sign I guess.he plays for like an hour.Than he naps for as long as Im cleaning,an hour or so.than I come pick him up and we go to the kitchen table where I lay his toys and we play for 30 minutes to an hour.but for the past 3 days the playing time is getting shorter.He loses interest much faster and wants to be back on the perch on top of his cage.He has now been napping for 2 hours.he doesnt fully sleep of course,he opens his eye on and off!

He use to eat his veggies(broccoli,apple,carrot etc..)now he doesnt anymore

Is it cuz he is still young.Hope you can have a quick look at his pic on my profil...I know he is not as young as the pet seller told me.He said he is 4 months old but I believe he is around 8...

Boredom?I m not sure...I mean we do play many times during the day...and he get 3 cuddle times during the day,morning,before lunch and evening time before going to bed!...He has plenty of toys in his cage and he does play and like them..

Please tell me its just cuz he is still young...or maybe thats the way greys are...

If after your comments and your experience you think I should take him to a vet than I of course will...even though since I live in the gulf...I dont know if there is any qualified vet for birds...I mean they r more into camels and cows etc...

Thank you in advance

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He sounds like a perfectly normal baby grey.


As any young critter, they play, eat etc. then take some nap/relaxation time.


Looking at the best photo to see his eye's. I would say he is between 4 and 6 months old. Its hard to determine precisely.


As long as his eating habits are still good and his weight is staying normal (for him), stools, nares etc. look good. He should be ok. Just keep an eye on all those items listed.


He could become bored with the same play toys or games you do with him and thus the length of engagement becomes shorter as the newness wears off.


He does need to start eating a more well rounded diet which optimally would end up with him consuming more and more fresh veggies, grains, pellets and less seed as the main source.

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Hi Kook- you don't mention how much time he gets to sleep at night. Perhaps you're keeping him up too late and he's making up for it during the day?

My greys at 3 months old do take naps periodically throughout the day- I wouldn't be alarmed as long as everything else appears normal like Dan mentioned.

As far as the food goes, greys can tend to be picky and go through phases- keep offering the good fruits & veggies and also try offering them in different ways- for example diced one day and shredded or cooked the next. You should try to locate an avian vet not too far from you if possible just in case of any emergencies- at least then you'll be prepared and know where to go. Most of all, have fun with your bird and enjoy your time together. ;)

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Thank you very much for the replies...He sleeps at 7 or 8 pm to wake up at 7 am...I think thats good right!

Well ok maybe I was too alarmed since all the rest is normal!He just needs more (a lot more caress from me and my husband!Maybe he is just too relaxed as a grey!!!

As for the food...well thank you for the idea lyric,I never thought of shreding the food...Ill definately try that and im sure he ll enjoy that as a game maybe at first,,but later maybe the taste buds will change to healthier!!!till now,he prefers to starve than to eat any other seed than sunflower!

DANMCQ...toys wise,we r playing with many...and maybe TOOOO MANY toys...

Im not sure its good to put all the toys in the play area everyday and play...maybe from tom I should play with a couple and than change right!

You are so right about the vet..stupid me!

Thank you guys(girls...)


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Only let him play with a few toys at a time, keep some back to rotate on a regular basis as they need different ones to keep them stimulated.


Jen is right about the vet, go ahead and locate one so you will have one to go to if the need arises and besides he will need yearly checkups anyways.

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Hi Kook -


You mention being in the Gulf, but not specifically where. There is a member here who lives in UAE who has the names of at least one really good vet (in Dubai) and maybe a couple of others. If we know what country you live in there might be someone else who can help also.



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I saw a couple of bubbles in his feces...in only one of his feces...will check more later.


He wouldnt stop wining...he make a wining sound ...its weird...cuz we cuddled him for 30 minutes this morning,than he was with us for breakfast...he was eating and wining!!!now he is back at his perch,wining...and if i look at him,its worse!!!

God I m so lost!!!

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Did you find a vet and get an appointment setup?


It seems from your description that he is getting more lethargic, bad breath etc. This is turning into signs of illness and a vet check is really needed soon to ensure your baby is healthy.


This has turned into more than just napping through out the day after eating or playing.

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yes I called the doc...on his mobile cuz today its equal to sunday ...he said to bring him anytime I can tom...So im going tom early...he is still next to me and I just gave him a kinder toy...he is playing with it....this makes me feel better...his poop has a normal color but the size is weird...its thick!!!ok sorry for the wining ...since he is fluffing his feathers should I put a heater in his room?the temperature here is 14 degrees...what do you think?

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Is it 14 c (57 Fahrenheit) in your house? If so that is way too cold for your grey to be in if he is at all ill.


If you mean larger in diameter poop, thats fine. It is revelant to how much he has eaten. The important thing is it's color and consistancy.


It's great that you have an appointment for tomorrow.

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yes in diameter...ok so that s good...color is fine,consistency too...only once all day did I c a couple of bubbles....he is now eating a bit more...Im not crying no more at least!!!ok,Ill put the heater in his room now and put him to sleep...will update you tomorrow once back from the city

thanks a million...really really THANK YOUUUUUUUUU

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Afternoon to all.He might have Chlamydia Psittaci but the blood test result is for tomorrow morning

They did a stool test which came out clean.His feces are just a bit lose but nothing to worry about till now...

He is eating but a very very tiny amount.I diced plenty of vegggies and fruits and he did eat like 5 pieces...pieces meaning REALLY SMALL pieces...cuz he is so so weak you can feel he can not hold something or bite into something etc...he has been sleeping since we got back...I am not sure he is going to make it...I am right now so exhausted,I dont think I have tears left.My husband even told me that im too sensitive as a person to keep a pet...and that if he recovers we should give him away(I honestly didnt sleep and me eyes are swollen )

I dont know if I put him in a room alone so that he can sleep..or if i should keep him with us in the living room...I mean in the room its quiet...but will he feel lonely or left???pls help me

thank you

Oh the vet did give him an injection for Chlamydia Psittaci...just in case

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I am very sorry to hear your Grey is sick. It's great you got into a vet so soon. Hopefully the tests will come back negative. atleast the vet gave a precautionary shot.


Make sure that greys room is kept very warm. They need this when ill.


You are not being too sensitive to an ailing loved pet. He is sick and your concerned. Atleast thats my opinion. That life is very precious.


I hope this works out well for you in all aspects. :-)

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