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Attempt to post Pictures


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:unsure: i realize I am very new here and perhaps should mind my business BUT :) that has never been one of my strong points.


I run a small message board and have accidentally deleted posts while trying to do something else, or cyberspace has belched and swiped a post or pic or whatever else struck its fancy along the way.


I do hope your delete me remark was made in jest :laugh: I have been reading like a crazy woman around here and this seems to be one of the friendliest, most laid back and fairly run boards around.



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Oh, I think my reply's getting taken the wrong way, haha! No sarcasm or ill-intent toward the admin -- I was actually asking for my post to be deleted :)


The person who created this post was trying, over & over, unsuccesfully, to post a pic. So I posted a mini-tutorial to help them out, but by the time I hit the send button, the original post had been deleted altogether. And since we don't have the power to do that (as far as I know), I figured it was just one of the board admins doing some housecleaning.


No worry, beef curry :)

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EFGriffith, I was following the original poster around here yesterday, as he was continually trying to post pictures, and not being successful. He would then start another thread and repeat. I was deleting them as I saw them, and was sending him the 2 "HOW TO" tutorials that are a "sticky" in the photography room, but he left. You then made a reply, to which it had some good advice. I made the decision to leave it, in hopes he would see it sooner, and be a bit more successful. Please don't take things so personally here.....;)

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I think I'm really confused. The only thing I'm trying to figure out is if people are reading sarcasm or meanness into my statement: "Feel free to delete me too, admin!" Because if so, that's not what I was going for. I was honestly asking for the post to be deleted.


The only reason I think it got taken the wrong way was because Pynk was saying that she hopes I was only kidding, which makes me think she read it sarcastically, as in, "Hey Admin, why don't you just go around deleting everybody you see?" I just want people to know I'm not being a jerk...


And I'm confused about what I was taking personally...? I saw exactly what was happening with this guy yesterday, same guy who posted the "Lost (Not really a lost bird)" thread.


It doesn't really matter in the end... I'm just trying to avoid any bad vibes I might have accidnetally sent out.

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"""The only thing I'm trying to figure out is if people are reading sarcasm or meanness into my statement: """


Believe me, the one thing that the admin or global moderator would do first is to contact you privately if they thought you were posting sarcasm or more importantly, meanness. They would simply ask a person to delete their own post. It takes a lot for the global moderator or admin to wipe out things without telling people.


"""It doesn't really matter in the end... I'm just trying to avoid any bad vibes I might have accidnetally sent out."""


Well actually, it does matter to us that there might be a problem and we don't want you to have a problem. Just stay happy here.

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