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bleeding foot


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Please help !!!!


My african grey crack-a-jack had a identity ring around his leg, he started to bite it which made it tighten around his leg, which made it very swollen i took him to the vet who cut of the ring.

We brought him home and kept a close eye on his foot and ankle, when we got up the next morning he had been chewing his foot, where he was swollen, their was blood everywhere... :( I rang the vets again ,i got an appointment they gave me anti-inflammatries and anti-biotics and a round disk to put around his neck.....

The vet told me to go home and do it myself !!

I was so mad with that vets i went to another vets 60 miles away who then put a plastic tube with screws in around his neck then he attached the plastic disk to the tubing, we finally thought that he would get better......

But by the time we was home he had chewed his way through the plastic disk and started on his foot again, we kept replacing the disk and watching him 24/7 but it was no good he carried on. We rang all the vets in our area and beyond and noone had bigger disks, so my husband made one, which i can gladly say as been working for a week but now he as worked out he can scratch it with the end of the disk if he streches which once again as started it bleeding again............

Please can anyone offer me any advise as i am at the end of my tether and do not know what else we can do........<br><br>Post edited by: chickadee, at: 2009/01/21 14:35

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Get some flex wrap from a local drug store that is self adherent, cut it down to size and wrap a little a few times around that area of the leg. Be careful not to pull it too tight so as to cut of any circylation. This will protect that wound from the scratching and continued bleeding.


Also, welcome to the forum!!


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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