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Hello from John & Jake


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Hello everyone. My name is John. I live in Kansas City, MO with my 11 year old male CAG named Jake.


Jake - unlike most Grays id extremely social. If a stranger walked into the house and then left a few minutes later Jake would express sadness. He loves everyone!

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Hey Guru!


I've had Jake 11 years. I brought him home when he was just a few weeks old.


I have to say, he has the best head of any grey I've known or read about. Unfortunately, he very recently started chewing his feathers, for the first time ever. That's what brought me here. I'm freaking out! I'm very well read regarding Greys and I'm pretty sure it's due to lack of attention. My hours have changed for the worse and of course I made the mistake of giving him too much attention from day one. Once a grey becomes accustomed to a certain amount of attention it's almost impossible to wean them off all that attention - right?


If you or anyone here knows of a way, please let me know. I don't want to lose this bird to illness, adoption or anything else.


Thanks for the welcome and any advice you can share.




ps let's see if this photo attached appears! JakePoster_copy.jpg


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Jake is a nice healthy looking Cag and thats too bad that he is starting to chew his feathers but you are spot on with the possible reason why.


They do get used to the amount of attention they receive on a regular basis and since circumstances have changed and now he does not get that level of attention he has turned to chewing his feathers.


I don't really have an answer for you but maybe one of the other members will have some ideas or advice that might help you with this problem.


In any case don't stress out about the chewing, if you bring a lot of attention to it then it only reinforces him to do it all the more.


You can read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Without having any more information, maybe you could increase the number of foraging toys/activities he has around his cage to keep him busier and active.


1) One of the guys here, HK955, strapped a phonebook (yep, a whole phone book), to the side of the cage to shred.


2) I got one of those flexible rubber ball things that has holes all over it:




I stuff it tight with paper or anything like that. Mine love to dig all that out of there and they tear it as it comes out so it takes awhile.


3) Whole nuts in the shell...takes more time/work to get to the treat. You could wrap a couple in tissue and hide them around the cage (after you have taught him what's inside and that it's worth to go look for!).


Just a few ideas. Not giving any attention to it may be difficult but like Judy said, I think that's important so it doesn't unintentionally reinforce it as a way to get attention.


That is a great picture!



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Welcome John and Jake!!


He is a fine looking CAG. As Lisa has suggested, perhaps trying to find foraging toys and other items like things to chew and shred will help take some of the loneliness away by keeping him entertained while your gone longer hours than you used to be.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and how Jake is doing. :-)

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Welcome John and Jake.


My grey loves phone books and paper back books to chew He also has his own pet,my little cockatiel who is in the same room but in his own cage, they do chat to each other and are company for each other when I am at work.

Jake is a smart looking grey.

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Welcome to the forum John, you are in my neck of the woods so to speak. Jake is certainly a handsome grey, I love the picture of him. It's so sad when they start chewing feathers isn't it? All the foraging toy ideas are great, also do you leave a tv or radio on for Jake while you are gone? Try having a little talk with him and explain to him that you love him so much but he must be patient with you while you have to be gone at work. I know this may sound silly, but I think he'll listen and have some understanding of what you are trying to tell him. Also, is there anyway you could have someone come by during the times you are gone and spend some time with him? I hope things get better and you find you are able to find more time to be with him and less time at work. After 11 years together I'm sure you two must be the best of friends. I look forward to hearing more about you and Jake.

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Thanks all, for the welcomes and suggestions.


Thus far I have drenched him, once, with a water/aloe mix, placed a humidifier in his room, gave him that green ball (with holes) filled with paper and peanuts, ordered some red palm oil, picked up a bottle of aloe juice.


I just wish there was a way to wean him off so much attention - oh well. I'll keep you all posted.


Thanks again - John!

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Hi John

Welcome to the forum

I have a cockatoo who used to feather pluck. Since I have had him he seems to have forgotten all about his past ways and the feathers are all coming back

If I have to leave the house for any period of time I make sure he is left with heaps to do

I make my own shredding toys out of raffia and paper and its enough to keep him busy for ages

I also purchased a mix of Bach flower remedy which I either spray onto him at misting time or drop a bit into his food or water

If you go onto any Bach remedy site there will be a full explanation of the flower remedies you might think suitable to use

They last a long time and really do seem to work

I use them all kinds of stuff and they really have a proven effective rate

Best of luck


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I'll have to do a search on Bach flower remedy, as I've never heard of it. The same with raffia, another unfamiliar term.


I picked up one of those green rubber, hole ridden balls that Lisa suggested and stuffed it with paper and nuts. It didn't last a day. Jake chewed right through the thing! I wonder if PETCO (the retailer) will refund my cash? Wishful thinking, huh?


Feel free to PM me with more details on the Bach and raffia if you like.




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Its possible to get a mix minus the alcohol,which you must then dilute in bottled water and keep in the fridge

Rescue remedy is usually sold in the store and is a combination of several plant extracts, but if you look through a search engine you can find details of the seperate flower remedies and get a mix to suit your needs.

As for raffia its sold in florists you can tie it to the side of the cage and birdy can have fun shredding it;)


My cockatoo has a hard plastic peanut shaped treat holder and he has to figure out how to get the nuts through the nut shaped holes, but my grey has one of the rubbery, holey treat holders and hasnt yet chewed it to bits..

I cant think of much more to suggest but I hope it goes well with whatever you get to try next;)



P.s you have a great looking grey, what a fantastic picture.<br><br>Post edited by: pugwash, at: 2009/01/26 11:17

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Mazy likes to watch , Andy Griffith, The Beverly Hillbillies, and any skiing and snowboarding on TV.

Give it a try. There are many threads which will prove helpful on this sight. Don't get frustrated. You're bird is basically scolding you for screwing up his schedule. He'll come around, just create any of the diversions suggested above or on the rest of the forum.

Good Luck

Bruce & Mazy

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ponz wrote:

I picked up one of those green rubber, hole ridden balls that Lisa suggested and stuffed it with paper and nuts. It didn't last a day. Jake chewed right through the thing!


Oh my Gosh John!!! So sorry! All of mine have one in their cage and have had it for at least two years! Well, the positive thing is that while he was destroying it he wasn't chewing his feathers! They're pretty expensive to be that easily destroyed though.


Maybe you could try one of those "indestructable" Kong toys for dogs that has holes in it and do the same thing? Maybe it would at least last a bit longer.


Hayley - good idea on the raffia. I'm going to have to check into it too!

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I just found these and posted them on another thread as well but these may help with some ideas to keep him busy...


Here's a link to a website that gives some great foraging ideas...




Here is one that shows how someone went through the process of "teaching" their birds to forage...





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Thanks Judy...I learn from the best.:kiss: :kiss:


John - you will find that whether you get a bigger house or not, the Greys will pretty much take over at least one room. :lol:


We had to do an addition on the house because the "living" room no longer had room for human furniture! :-)

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