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Wonderful cleaner!!!


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OMG - after witnessing the Great Poop-off Debate of '08 I have been half-heartedly looking at other cleaners and have been VERY skeptical. However recently I ordered a heat panel for Fred from a GREAT company Avitech.


While I was browsing the site I also picked up their AviVita Gold vitamins and a bottle of their cleaner - AviClean.


Holy Clean Cage Batman!!! This stuff is AMAZING!! And it is so safe that it does not require rinsing. Spray on and wipe off - no kidding. It only needs a few seconds to work on ANYTHING - dried concrete poop, food, etc. I like that it does not need rinsing so I can use it to remove poop from Fred's rope and fabric type perches without washing them several times a week. I put it in a foaming spray bottle so I don't use as much and let me tell you - not much is needed at all. It's great to whole cage cleaning and for spot cleaning, I'll just spray a little on a paper towel - give the spot a couple rubs and no more poop. For tougher spots I will spray it on, leave it for 10 seconds and then wipe it off - no scrubbing. This stuff will save all my furniture and walls from scrubby spots!! I have even used it on my ferret cage when they poop outside the litter box.


Sorry to rave so much but you guys have NO IDEA how fast and easy this has made cleaning. Much more time to spoil Fred now.


Here's the site if you guys want to enjoy this stuff. Their prices are very good - they were the cheapest for the heat panel I got Fred.



Happy cleaning!!

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Does your vet recommend you give additional vitamins to your Grey? I know it's another one of those debatable topics (some do, some don't). My vet doesn't recommend them unless the bird will only eat certain things and doesn't get a variety of foods through it's regular diet. I'm sure there's disagreement among vets though also!



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LisaM wrote:

Does your vet recommend you give additional vitamins to your Grey? I know it's another one of those debatable topics (some do, some don't). My vet doesn't recommend them unless the bird will only eat certain things and doesn't get a variety of foods through it's regular diet. I'm sure there's disagreement among vets though also!




No recommendation from the vet. Fred does get a wide variety of veggies/pasta/beans/sometimes fruit etc for breakfast and she also loves her Zupreem fruity pellets which I know do contain vitamins too. However, shelf life on pellets can reduce the vitamin potency so I try not to rely on them. I really only give her a 1/4 tsp of the vitamin powder once a week - not 3 times like they recommend. Plus she doesn't eat all that she is given so even less makes it in. I guess it's just a insurance thing for me. The flavor of the vitamins also hides the flavor of the palm oil (that I got from Avitech too) so that helps when she gets her once a week breakfast cocktail.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I still sing it's praises every time I use it whether it be a spot clean or the weekly big clean.


I finally have to take out the one rope perch where she eats because even with this cleaner it's gotten all grody with her wiping her beak on it after eating. Lots of muck deep in the fibers but without the cleaner I would have to probably take it out and deep clean it every week.


And it's cheap - not a lot of money to try it.


I swear it works - I would not blow sunshine up anyone's rear!! :laugh:

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