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Question and Opinions regarding Food

Guest phisherman519

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Guest phisherman519

I have heard and read more than a few opinions on pelleted foods vs "real" foods.

Am interested in the opinions of the group as to which they feel is better and why.

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Guest Miandruil

ARG!!!!!!!!! I got a reply from OldMolly (which I would say is like getting a Hallmark card???) and my keyboard quit on me. (Coincidence?)


What I meant by my post was the thread was off on another subject that had nothing to do with behavior/habits "ETC" which meant anything to do with learning to care for my Grey, including feeding. I was trying to pick through the "souls which go to heaven" stuff and I got frustrated. Thanks for your reply OldMolly. I do learn quite a bit on here. Some of it works, some of it doesn't. I for one appreciate all posts that stick to the subject.


Flatter me, and I may not believe you.

Criticize me, and I may not like you.

Ignore me, and I may not forgive you.

Encourage me, and I will not forget you.

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Guest phisherman519

Ya know...this is gonna spark a whole new question, and I really hope I'm not opening another can of worms here....

CAG vs TAG...are there a lot of differences other than the obvious regarding appearances? Mac, a CAG is an outgoing, rambunctious bird, that breaks the rules as well....he loves cuddling, immitates anything that tickles his fancy, loves new sights and tastes.

I know the physical differences, but what are the "unseen" differences as seen by the owners?

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Guest phisherman519

I really do share that view....I know i would have a hard time eating things that dont look like real food, and that if a diet of regular food is good enough to sustain life then why add the supplements?

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Oh my, Oldmolly. I just KNOW Santa has to exist!!!! Dusty even sings Xmas songs. Please do NOT tell me Santa is not real!

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Guest cyberknock

I am not picking on your post, Adreanna, I am just responding to yours because it is the most recent ( latest) on this topic...


My question is: when will people STOP responding to this thread???I think we went around it every which way for long enough! Tony will either move on to Amazons.. or will continue posting here with his 'poor advice'.. It is his choice... but nobody needs to feed this worthless effort! I, for one, am looking forward to something more interesting and worthwhile.


"> Something else To chew on Tony....<snip> I would suggest that you read a lot more about

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Guest cyberknock

I really don't know where this misinformation originated from! African greys do NOT hate everything new! WELL ADJUSTED bird are inquisitive beings who thrive on variety. Variety of foods, toys, environments, activities, sounds etc.. You should see how fast Echo (our CAG) comes to his cage's door to 'step up' when we ask him if he wants to go for a ride in his travel cage!

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Guest phisherman519

wellllll to give him some credit...I have read archaic articles that state

CAG's are somewhat neurotic birds that don't cotton to change...but I think that if you raise them with that attitude you are going to perpetuate the belief.

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Guest phishbook

But he is a Christian. Saint Nicolaus


.> God made everything that we see, hear, touch, and smell.

No he didn't cos he doesn't exist.

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Guest phishbook

Here we go again.

No they don't. Where do you get this misinformation from????

well duh, any bird will be miffed if you went from seed to pellets in one fell swoop.

What total and utter crap you are spouting again matey.

I have a grey here who was wild caught, sold to a breeder, broke his shoulder at some point, was given to someone else with a crippled hen and kept in an aviary with her until she died recently, then was given to me to live in a cage in my living room filled with me yelling at the dogs, the birds making noise, the dogs making noise, and now he is in a cage with my

BFA. Still has all his feathers.

By your reckoning, he should be naked.

what tosh. Of course they contain vitamins.


you are posting some of your own daft ideas here, plus wome of what you have read.

Newbies take note, this bloke smokes whacky baccy and talks out of a hole in his bum. So sue me chum.

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Guest phishbook

<does a happy dance, flings arms round Mike and plants a smacker on his head>

Joe Public is not as daft as PMD likes to think. Well done that man :0)

Witte molen rools OK!

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Guest javacrypto

Brilliant marketing (including peer-to-peer "education" of veterinarians)

would have us all believe that birds can't survive without pellets, can't have all of their nutritional needs met, etc. No organism needs synthetic chemicals in their diets, whether they're shaken from a bottle or processed into a pellet because the natural vitamins are destroyed by their processing. All nutritional needs can be met with real, honest-to-goodness, food. Imagine that... :)

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Guest phisherman519

Hmmmm I cant seem to find a pet supply in Manitoba that carries them...are they only available in the US? I am going to try to find a website for info maybe on ordering them

Thank you!!

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Guest moljalava

"> --

I will NEVER give pellets to my Grey's as a main diet, only as a small part of a quality seedmix diet, the best way to feed your Parrots is to use natural food, fruits, veggies,nuts,berries and so on.

There is no vitamins you can't give to your parrot's on a natural way

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Guest cyberknock

I see.. Thanks for taking the time to explain. I am a new lurker and was not aware of this 'problem'

Maybe a 'generic' warning should be posted weekly?? hehehe!

But, seriously, though, it gets to a point where I feel he is just enjoying being an annoyance to everyone.. we feed/encourage this situation by responding to it to the extent that we are. Maybe we can come up with a better way to deal with it... ???

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Guest goose

Just got of the phone with Harrison Foods, and they are sending us a free sample of there food, to see if my birds will like it. Here is the number for you guys that would like to try it out. 1-800-346-0269

Thanks for the info

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Guest phishbook

Feeding naturally is not rocket science.If you feed complete pellets, don't give additives. If you want to feed naturally, the world is your oyster. It is fun too. A quality dust free, few sunflower seedmix, plus sprouted seeds and pulses, fresh fruit and veg daily, plus things like 'birdy slaw', and pasta with yogurt, and flowers from your garden if you garden organically.

Mine particularly like roses, nasturtiums, calendula. Also rowan berries, backberries, and elder berries picked off my own trees and bushes on my land.

Today I bought corn on the cob and fresh peas in the pod so they are going to have a treat tomorrow.

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Guest phisherman519

Thank you for your response...I have tried to get mac interested in pellets,

I guess because I keep hearing how good they are, but he is not at all interested in eating them. So I make sure he has a variety of other foods.

He loves his veggies, even more so than fruit, with carrots being his favorite thing...next to spaghetti if and when he can sneak a piece..hehehe

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Guest javacrypto

Many birds have sensitivity issues with synthetic "vitamins" or the chemical preservatives or dyes. Poor girl, I'm so glad you were able to find the source of her problem and fix it :).

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Guest phisherman519

Thanks very much...i found a place in manitoba that handles the food. Am gonna give it a shot. I sure like what I read on their web site.

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Guest cyberknock

Sorry but you got me wrong, Andreanna.. and I may be to blame for that...


1) (see text below) I did not find your original question offensive at all and if you remember I participated in the discussion on seeds vs pellets.


server sent me your original question again today... for a minute there I thought it was a new question and that the same discussion would start all over again... I thought that , this time around, I better stay out of it!

My mistake, I should have realized that it was a server glitch and your post which I received today the 25th was a duplicate of the one you sent on July

19th.... Hope you forgive me.


2) (see text below) As to my other comment about Tony, well, it's just that

I don't understand why people would continue to respond back and forth to

Tony just to keep repeating to him that he is stupid! If that is what they think of him, why not just ignore him??? Why keep harping on it? Sorry if I offended you, it was not my intention and I do hope you will forgive me if

I gave you that impression.


1) Oh no!!!! Here we go again! Hehehe!

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