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Can you please offer me words of wisdom?


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Hi there. I have a birdie named Charlie. Charlie was my dad's bird, but my dad got sick, so little Charlie came to me. Charlie is about 9 months old. Prior to coming to me he got a cut in the skin over his sternum. My dad thought he was ok, but every time he fell in his cage at my house the cut would start to bleed again, so I took Charlie to the vet and the vet sutured the cut up. The day I took Charlie back to the vet the cut opened back up, and he had to be resutured. 10 days after that I returned, and the vet took the sutures out saying the cut had healed well. She gave me some tetra powder to apply twice daily. A few days after the cut was split back open. It was not bleeding, but had a scab. It has been about a week since, and I have not seen blood, but the scab is still there. I apply the tetra powder everyday. I paid the vet a lot of money already, and I am not confident in bringing Charlie back there after the cut split back open twice now. Should I take Charlie somewhere else? Should I just keep applying the tetra powder? Should I do something else? Your words of wisdom would be appreciated. Thank you:cheer:

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I'm not familiar with tetra powder. As far as the cut..usually, a cut like that will heal up but usually they'll be a small permanent scar and feathers may not grow from that small area. That type of cut when healing does scab up. The longer the scab is there, the tougher the skin gets in that area. If it still has a scab on it, then that's good. The scab will eventually shrivel and fall away in small tiny pieces. For your piece of mind, since these accidents that are causing the problems come when the bird is in the cage, you should put a towel in the bottom of the cage to ease the the shock of a fall. It may get messy cause the bird will be pooping on it buit I think you'd be doing the right thing. If you continue to have problems with the wound as far as reopening, you can ask your vet to apply a mesh netting around the bird to keep the skin from flexing in that area.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/01/19 03:39

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