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Tips + Advice please.


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Hi there, first of all i would like to say hi, im new. My name is Meghan, im 15 years old. I have four birds(no greys unfortunatly :() I have 2 cockatiels, aswell as 2 budgies. Im thinking of getting of gettng an african grey. Still deciding on that though. Does anyone have any tips or advice? Ive research. I still plan to do more. If i were to get it it would be when my parents are done there renovations which will hopefully be done by the end of the summer. so probably september at the very earliest.

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Hello Meghan and welcome to the forum. I would recommend you get the book "For the love of greys" by Bobbi Brinker, it has a lot of good information and will answer some of your questions on whether or not you should get a grey. A grey is not for everyone but they are a delight to own if you know what you are getting into.

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Hi Meghan and welcome to the forum.

I think Judygram hit the nail on the head! Read as much about these birds as you can. Also, be aware that you'll likely need the support of others in caring for a bird of this type. I think they require a certain stability in their lives which may be difficult for you to provide at 15.

Just one opinion.:)

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I have a sun conure that I got before I got my grey. She can be demanding but I don't think she gets stressed out like the greys can. Only you can decide whether you want one or not but if you do decide on getting one you will be rewarded with a lifetime companion.

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Guest Monique

Hi Meghan! Welcome to our forum!! Like Judy, I also have a Sun Conure and a Grey (and a Macaw). Feel free to PM me if you want to talk off-line in more detail about the different species. All my birds are very different from each other and I love each one a lot. My Sun Conure is the biggest snuggler of the bunch and owns a big piece of my heart!

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I am aware that greys require a great deal of work and attention. My plans would be getting one as a young baby(of course weaned and everything)so it would get used t the house hold etc. since i have 2 dogs, and 4 other birds, as well as a cat which is mainly an outdoor cat. I was thinking of getting sun conure, they beautiful bird i must say, but the only problem is there aren't many breeders that i like in my area that breed those little guys. I did however find a terrific senegal/pionus breeder aswell as great blue crowned conure breeder. if i got a grey i would probably have to get it from another province as there aren't many good ones i like near i am. I found of what looks to be(haven't emailed them yet) a good breeder in ontario. But that brings me to another question, has anyone ever shipped birds? My om doesn't really like the idea but she doesn't mind. Im in British Columbia so it would be a few hour flight from there, to here. I have done quiet a bit of research on greys, aswell as a bunch of other birds. And i plan to keep researching them until i get one. If i do decide to go with something smaller first then i will most likely get a grey after words once i save up the money again. Also when i go off to college my has already said she'd look after ALL my birds. :D Im probably going to get 2 or 3 more birds athen that will be it until i move out. Monique&&Judy, thank-you, i will make sure to PM you. :D Zoesdad, thanks for the advice, like i said above i will conitnue to research alot! and get different peoples opinions (thats partly why i joined this forum ;D)




Post edited by: Meghanxx4, at: 2007/05/23 03:42<br><br>Post edited by: Meghanxx4, at: 2007/05/23 03:54

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Hi, Meghan and welcome. I think for 15, you sound very mature & very smart to realize that you should do alot of research before you make a lifetime commitment.


As far as shipping,

We had Talon shipped from Florida to Mass. during the cold December. (not too cold tho) It was touch and go, as you can not ship during certain temperatures. Our grey was brought to the airport at 8am, and I picked her up at 4pm. She was very young, 9 1/2 weeks old. She did very well. It cost me $150.

Keep us posted on how you are doing, and what you decide. :)

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