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I'll be right back!


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Klaus has heard this one a million times:


"I'll be right back birdie!"


Now he's saying it, when he sees me with my jacket and keys. He cracks me up. He also says, "You be good bird, ok?" and I say, "I'll be a good bird if you be a good bird." to which he replies, "Ok."



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That's so funny! Kenya says that whenever she knows we're leaving also (I think it's her way of reminding us to say goodbye before we leave). We have been trying since she came to live with us to get her to say "good bye" and FINALLY when we had my son's cub scout pack over about a week ago (much to her annoyance). As soon as I finished the meeting and the boys started getting their jackets and boots on to leave, she said "GOOD BYE"...loudly and clearly. Of course, that had the undesirable effect (in her mind I'm sure) of having all the boys laugh and start doing it back to her. I think I may never hear it again unless deep down she found that fun! Time will tell, as always with these guys.


The "good bird...ok" exchange is priceless! LOL


Thanks for sharing!



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Misty says "got to go out" if he sees me put on my out door shoes or coat or if I pick up my keys. As I leave he says "see you later" or "by by".

He will then fly to the window where he has a perching place and watch me as I walk past. He lowers his head and stretches out his wings to wave to me. Of course I wave back. If he is there when I come back he repeats the wing wave and then whistles his contact call to me. When I go back into the room he will some times greet me with "Hi Babe".

I am always amazed at how perceptive he is. He sometimes seems to know what I am going to do before I do !!


Steve N Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/01/19 01:25

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He probably says it the minute you walk out the door and can't hear him anymore...


Or, like our Kenya, she just decides what she wants and the more we want her to say something, it seems the less likely she'll actually ever say it. :-)


The little stinkers. :-)

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I always say "bye Bye" to Tigerlily and then usually add " see you later"

One day a visiter left and just casually said "bye bye" as they went out the living room door and Tigerlily replied "see you later"

I was so proud.:woohoo:

Now she does it quite often as i'm leaving.

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