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Now that Ive got your attention lol, I have got to ask does anyone elses bird do farting noises?

My kids taught my eldest grey Charlie to do this and he does it all the time!


The funniest thing happened this morning, I was the first up and walked past Charlies covered cage, I was waiting for the usual " Hello " from him but no, I got the biggest fart noise ever!


My friends called in this afternoon and couldnt believe what they were hearing. Will be interesting to find out if anyone elses grey does this:laugh:

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Ladies fluff and cough into a lace hanky at the same time! At least I do:laugh:


Men do a trouser burp and shout " More tea vicar "


Thats what gentleman do but I dont think Dan or Dave would do this!


Dogs! I have heard it all now!:laugh:

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LOL Judy, I just light mine with a match and the flames kill the noise and the smell. Along with putting on a great pyrotechnic show at the same time. ;-)


I am not sure what Dave does, guess we'll have to wait for his show stopper. B)

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Well, it's about time someone brought up this sensitive subject!:P Maxi does these cute little whispered foofs, usually followed by an "Uh-oh" or a "Woo!" It's hilarious. I don't actually know where she learned it...:whistle:<br><br>Post edited by: LindaMary, at: 2009/01/17 23:51

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