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chatterbox merlin!


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haven't posted a merlin report lately.


after being silent for months from a ceiling fan fright, he is now mr chatterbox!


he imitates the other birds, he imitates my lame imitations of the other birds and now chatters up a storm while i'm in the room. all these months we had to hide outside the door to listen to him talk.


right now he is impersonating my impersonation of milly

"bow wow" (bow-wow is his new favorite) and the various telephone sounds as well as:

"well hel-LO there!" and

"ooo-oh my darling" which is what we say before morning and nite kiss.


yes can you imagine he lets the devil's daughter kiss his beak? only through the bars mind you.


when peetey has a fly-round he cheers him on:

"come on!"


"good boy!"


he greets milly like the land shark off the old saturday nite live:

"hi milly."


he plays peek a boo with himself:

"merlin where AAARRE you?"

"there you are!"


"peek a boo!"


but he really made me happy the other day when he said to himself 'i love you'

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That is so sweet to hear those magical words, "I love you" bet you are on cloud nine at the moment.


Merlin is really coming into his own element now that his fright is behind him and they do chatter away when they get going, I know Josey does, she can be very quiet for a while then another session will start.


Merlin is turning into quite a character, now you will have to work on kissing the beak without the bars being in the way, Josey lets me do that.B)

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I cannot wait to hear Echo say Love you I tell him that a lot, he is almost 5 months old and this week I had a post asking why he mummbles to himself what sounds like many words but if he sees me he instantly stops, and last night he was on his play swing and low and behold he started talking right in front of our whole family I couldn't make out very much but every time I said something he followed up so I assume he was trying to repeat after me, anyway congratulations on the love you I will be so excited when I hear those words.

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I also can ask my Echo for a nice kiss and he will fly to me from across the room after I beg for a while for him to come and give mama a nice kiss, and he will give me a very nice kiss, one time I forgot the nice before the kiss and he got a little bit of skin, so now I just make sure to tell him nice kiss, I just love this site I love all the info and just the stories you all point out how much fun a bird is with all the stories and ideas Thank you all.

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Shanti is very kissy-face. Likes to connect tactilely with other people (me, basically) through his beak. Loves me to pet his beak, especially late-at-night cuddling/scrinching time.


Now if I could only get him to step up. I'm making progress. He's been on my hand a couple of times and will step up with one foot for a treat. Clings to the bar with the other one though.

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YAY Miss Sandra (and Merlin, of course)!


I think I would just melt if those three little words came out of Kenya (or either of my others, but Katie hardly ever says anything and I've never heard Max utter as much as a syllable).


I'm happy to hear that Merlin is doing so well. I'm sure he'll be giving you smooches before long!



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