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Timmy the Timneh


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Hello, I'm new to the Forum as well as the world of Parrot ownership. By that I mean being owned by a Timneh. My husband I are retirees, who have been adopted by a six year old Timneh named Timmy. We are his third and last home. His previous owner was a teen ager who had outgrown the "fun", and Timmy was very neglected. He was returned to the reputable pet store where he charmed us into his life. He's been with us for two and a half months. We have read books, have two parrot friends who give advise and counsel, and have gone on line for information. The information specifically about Timneh's is scarce. They are usually lumped into the general Congo category. We are looking for information concerning how to control or if possible prevent Timmy's extremely loud whistling, and teach him how to stop when needed. Timmy hasn't had fresh foods and that is another area we would like to help him learn to enjoy.

We were lucky to get a very healthy bird, who passed the vet exam with flying colors. Which brings us to another issue. Timmy will soon have his flight feathers trimmed, because he can fly at will. We are aware of the safety issues, but would like to hear if anyone has had "attitude" issues with birds that fly.

Timmy is a sweet good bird, and we don't want to cause problems for all of us, just because we don't know what we are doing, and have failed to "think like a bird." Does that make us official bird brains?

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Hello bowtie and welcome to the forum:)


Timmy sounds so sweet and such a joy, he seems to have settled in really well and you have had support from your friends which is great.


Noise wise, there is nothing you can really do but ignore the screaming and dont reward him at anytime while he does this. One of my greys is very noisy as well. The worst times are morning and evening, this can be quite normal for most greys.


What problems do you have with the flying? Has he always been flighted? Think very carefully before having your bird clipped. I have all my greys flighted, I feel it gives mine confidence and obviously they love doing what they were made to do.


Hope you enjoy it here.



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Hi, and congrats on your new addition. Like Casper said, ignoring an undesirable behaviour is the best way to nip it it the bud. The biggest insult you can dish out to a grey is to "ignore."

To introduce fresh foods, I find the quickest way my grey gets interested in something is if I'm eating it. So, just let Timmy see you eating something, then offer him some. This is a very social activity and will help him feel he belongs in your flock.

Good luck!

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If you're new to owning a grey, I'm positive that people will be glad to answer all of your questions and share plenty of stories and little tips to make your new family member Timmy feel good in your home.

PS--many people here have TAGs. Some have TAGs and CAGs and also other species. Hope you enjoy your time with our family.

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As Lorie said "the biggest insult to a grey is to ignore him" try and I no it will be hard to just walk away or turn your back on him when the loud whistling starts, dont reward for bad behavior. When he is just chatting away quietly tell him what a good boy he is and give him a treat. They soon get the message.

There are several threads in the forum on wing clipping you should read through that are very interesting.

Love to see some pics when you have the time, Timmy sounds like a sweet little boy and Karma to you for taking him in.


Carolyn & Mika

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Welcome Bowtie and Timmy!


It's wonderful you have given him a forever home. Parrots do make noise and as others have stated, ignore the unpleasant noises and reward with a treat for being quite or a good sound or word.


Please research wing clipping carefully. Taking flight away from a bird is a very serious handicap to a creature that was meant to fly and is used to it at 6 years old. It could cause a real change in personality for the worse.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos.

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Hello Bowtie and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Timmy.


Must be nice to be retired, I am 58 and it looks like I will be working for the remainder of my days with things like they are but that is another story.


You have certainly come to the right place as we have many members who will chime in with their advice and they do know what they are talking about as some have had greys for many many years.


You will also find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Timmy you would like to share with us we would love to see them.

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